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[LE] Human-shaped Werewolf


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well actually they have a few mods that let you put werewolf tech tree stats into new perks that let you have enhanced strength, damage resistance, and regeneration in human form, however it makes you vulnerable to silver weapons which people start carrying around by chance

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BTW, if you are looking for simple, yet compatible (And good) werewolf enhancing mod, I recommend "Werewolf Upgrade"



You take more damage from silver weapons, even in human form. Which itself is great addition in my opinion. Check the description for other bonuses and changes.


Author made also vampire upgrade mod, which I recommend as well.

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Alright I just uploaded the mod to nexus, getting scanned right now. Here is the link encase anyone's interested:




Oh just FYI, I overhauled the wolf form also. Now it lasts forever like vampire lord. The howls got a small revamp too, its a shout so the first word is predator vision, second word is fear and third word is revert form. Depending on how long you hold down the button depends on which power gets activated. If you want more info check out the description.

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Alright, going to check it out! Thanks for your hard work!


EDIT : Hmm, let's see...

The way it works seems like:

Human form->Lycanthropic->Full Werewolf Form

You could only advance once to another stage and couldn't just go straight from being human to full wolf form. In Human Form, the Lycanthropic Form would be available. In Lycanthropic Form, the Beast Form (Full Werewolf) would be available. And in Beast Form, well, revert back to human. Was that right?


What I see from this feature:

1. Werewolf Form can now be activated as much as I like! Hell yeah! Oh, and the shout (Nightvision, Fear, and Revert) works too! Though apparently the Revert Form couldn't be used right away as you turned into a werewolf.
2. Human Form is...normal. Which is the way it supposed to be, I guess lol. The "Beast Form" was changed to "Lycanthropic Form" in here.
3. The problem is the Lycanthropic Form. I couldn't attack like a werewolf in this form (heck, I still could equip a weapon and use it). I didn't gain any access to most Werewolf skills, except Resist Disease (which actually still available in Human Form) and Beast Form. No Revert Form, no Howl of Terror, no feeding.

Well, perhaps it was either:

1. Incompability with another mod. The only werewolf mod I currently use was "Beast Within" and "Faster Transform".
2. My fault lol? I actually didn't quite get this part in the Description:




Does that means:

a. The mod must be installed only after I turned into a Werewolf? I've finished the Companions questline, by the way. (my current interpretation)

b. The mod must be installed from the beginning at least before I got the Werewolf turning ability, and will be added when I finished "The Silver Hand" quest?

But either way, I'm still quite content with this mod. In fact, I'm considering to go hybrid in order to try the Vampire Lord Overhaul. Once again, I thank you for this mod.

Edited by crucifixzero
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  • 3 years later...
I wouldn't mind a mod like that too on a big muscular guy with traits of orc/human face and the berserker rage skill. You may think it's silly but I just wanna make an accurate version of victor creed from marvel. He's a f*#@ing savage.
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