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FWE mod questions


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I love FWE mod but i am finding it a bit err irritating


I still can't figure out how the stealth field works , and why do i die of 4 shots of an assault rifle which is fired from miles away at insane accuracy even in vanilla settings. Vanilla combat system settings does not seem to be Vanilla but a lot lot harsher..


Also head shots sometimes barly take damage


I have set all the damages and combat to vanilla settings but combat is still several times harder


This might sound like a rant but its not its actually taking effect in my games...

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I had a similar problem, I picked "I Love Vanilla" on Hard and it was brutal - especially with Marts Mutant Mod. At one point, I got pinned down by like 5 raiders - and there was nothing I could do. Evading bullets, taking cover, dumping clips to the face and they were barley phased. Then they easily cut be down in a few shots. The stimpacks wouldn't kick in fast enough, so I couldn't heal myself really quick while taking damage. And there was a gun which had a fire sound that no matter were it was shot - it sounded like it was going off in my ear. So that's on hold for now. :(


It did introduce me to the sprint mod for which I'm grateful. I downloaded that separately for the time being and love it :)

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