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Script and Quest Help.


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Hi there


Im currently working on a mod (project) and have been for the past 2 months, the mod is called Robco city, that moves all the people from big town a fully working Robco Factory where they make Robots, weapons and ammo. Most of the upper level interior is done but im still working on the lower levels and the offices, but i would really like to make a quest for it, my quest making skills are limited but with time i learn how to do it properlly.


what i need to know from some one is a script that i can use. the main purpose of the script is to build the city, so that it starts abandoned, and through out the quest you will see it slowly build up and clear.


And then at the end of the quest its fully operational.


this is a big mod and im doing it by my self, i would greatly appreciate the help, I will give credit to anyone who wants to help out with this slight problem.


Cheers to all that help


Jonathan Hayman


Robco City

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i guess the easiest way would be to use .enable and .disable commands.

it isn't complicated at all but will take you days to complete the script. of course there is more elegant solutions (like the boys/girls from RTS proofed so many times), but you need to be a real "pro" to do it like they do it.


in your case i would use a rather simple script. first thing you have to do is place your city the way you want it to look like when it's completely build. you should not use too much clutter, that makes it harder, as you will see soon.

as an example we'll just imagine you placed three houses next to each other and want them to be completed one after the other.

doubleclick each house, select "persistent reference" and "initially disabled", then give it a reference name. for this example we'll use "xxxHouse1" "xxxHouse2" and guess what... "xxxHouse3".


earlier you selected "initially disabled", which means that those references won't be shown ingame until they get enabled by a script. so you have to write a short script.



i won't write the whole script for you, because i don't know enough about your mod, but the command you need now is:






whenever these three lines are called in a script your three references will appear. you could use them in a quest script, normal script or just call them in a "Result Script" of a Quest Stage. if you don't know how to create Quests at all you should just google it. there are some tutorials out there!


(for testing you could use this script, add it to an activator e.g. the electric switch and place it next to your three test references:


scn xxxHouseEnableScript


short doonce


begin onactivate


if ( doonce == 0 )

set doonce to 1


elseif ( doonce == 1 )


set doonce to 2


elseif ( doonce == 2 )

set doonce to 3







my english is not that good so if you don't understand something i wrote or just have some more questions, don't hesitate to ask!



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Pretty close. Use enable parents instead. Create markers for each group of things you want enabled, disabled, and set the marker as each object's enable parent. Then you can just enable/disable the marker, and everything it is the parent of will also be enabled/disabled. This way you don't have to list out every single object you want to add or remove.
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True, true.

Makes it a lot easier... it's still a lot of work if you try to enable a whole city like this. Specifying the enable parent for loads and loads of clutter takes quite some time!


Still, you should be able to solve your problem now!

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Select the objects you want to assign to an activation marker and press underscore ( _ ) to pull up the batch window.


In addition to that you can "Set Enable State to Opposite of Parent" on things, so you can have rubble piles that disappear at the same time as new things appear or simulate how the new inhabitants clean up (or trash the place...).


You can see how I did it in my Reilly's Ranger mod. Load up the cell SewardSquareRangerCompound in DCWorld12. There's a bunch of X-markers on the roof (for easy access in the editor) that control the expansion of the base.


Also, forums have an inbuilt signature. Use that instead of signing your posts. :P


Edit: Also2: Maybe you already know this, but check out Bethesda's tutorial vids


and a keyboard map is always helpful:


Edited by Tubal
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