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Steampunk Dwarven Cuirass


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Yeah, just a little chunkier than you'd expect Sotha Sil to be. :tongue:


You've never played with the Sculpt tool? It's awesome! It lets you make changes to meshes without changing the number of vertices.


Drop a UV sphere in there, click on it, select 'Sculpt Mode' instead of 'Object Mode' and one of the panels will have 4 tabs 'Multires', 'Sculpt', 'Brush', and 'Texture'


Choose 'Sculpt' and click on the 'Smooth' button.


Turn both of the sliders all the way up, then left click on the UV sphere to see how the mesh deform. Custom shaped with no extra vertices that way.


You can play with the sliders to get different strengths and brush sizes. The other buttons are fun too.




I made an Eggplant! :laugh:






See? No additional vertices beyond the 32 by 32 UV sphere (means that you can change it without re-UVMapping it) and instant mesh deformation into 'sculpted' shapes.

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