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I was inspired by a few mods that turned the hunting rifle into a 5.56mm rifle so here's what im trying to do, Turn the Hunting Rifle, into a 5.56mm hunting rifle. which i was successful in doing (fairly simple). Then the problems started. WMK versions of the rifle don't like to be changed when they exist in numerous forms, i.e.WMK, FOOK, FWE and all of the FOIP plugins for the 3 of them. whenever i open a .esp with the geck, and change them to 5.56mm whenever i load, it has switched to another version of the hunting rifle(like from the FOOK version called the Winchester to the FWE version just called Hunting Rifle). looking back in the geck, the one i changed would be listed as WMKxxxxxxxxxDUPLICATE000 so i went through and found every instance of the hunting rifle/winchester hunting rifle and changed them one-by-one through the esps and it would keep doing the same thing. i eventually changed them all, kind of a shotgun tactic and from that is a CTD upon start-up. I tried changing the .esp's directly and making a new .esp.


so basically, how do i prevent duplicates and force one to override all others, or to merge the duplicates somehow...or some other process altogether that im missing.


i can include a load order if it helps, but basically FOOK, FWE, WMK and their compatability programs, all up-to-date. all other non-related mods have been removed for this process.

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i can include a load order if it helps

please do that! it might help...


you modified the hunting rifle, went ingame and a different hunting rifle (e.g. winchester hunting rifle from FOOK) appeared instead of yours? my first try would be that theres something wrong with your load order. maybe you didn't put your modification to the very bottom of the list... (as i said, please post your load order!)


if you think your load order is alright and it still doesnt work you could try the following: open the GECK and select all the relevant esms you play with (e.g. Fallout3.esm, Fook2 - main.esm, fo3 wanderers edition.esm) and load them. now go to items->weapons and search for the hunting rifle that you'd like to edit. should be "WeapHuntingRifle", now change the ammunition type to .556 and do all the changes you'd like to do. now you save the modification as a new plugin (eg. HuntingRifle556.esp or whatever). open FOMM or the launcher and drag your new plugin to the bottom of the list. start the game and have fun. it should work...

to double check whether you did everything right you can close and reopen the GECK, go to the load screen and select your plugin. it should say "parent masters" on the right hand side of the load window. below there should be a list with those relevant esms that you choose earlier.


hope it works...



edit: if you try to load the esms it might tell you "multiple master files selected" as an error. check out this page on the official geck page: click me ;)

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I didnt include my load order because Im 97% sure my load order isnt the problem but here it is:










FOOK2 - Main.ESM

FOOK2 - [DIK] DLC Improvement Kit.ESM

FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esm


FOOK2 - Main.esp

FOOK2 - [DIK] DLC Improvement Kit.esp

FOOK2 Main [Hotfix].esp

FOOK2 DIK [Hotfix].esp

FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esp

FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Anchorage.esp

FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Broken Steel.esp

FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Mothership Zeta.esp

FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Point Lookout.esp

FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC The Pitt.esp

FO3 Wanderers Edition - Alternate Travel.esp

FO3 Wanderers Edition - Followers Enhanced (BrokenSteel).esp

FO3 Wanderers Edition - Optional Restore Tracers.esp

FO3 Wanderers Edition - Optional VATS Halftime.esp

FO3 Wanderers Edition - Optional Restore Tracers (automatics only).esp

FWE - Weightless Ammo.esp

FO3 Wanderers Edition - FOOK Support.esp

FWE - FOOK DLC Support.esp

Alt Start Weapons - FWE.esp


WeaponModKits.esp <--

WeaponModKits - OperationAnchorage.esp

WeaponModKits - ThePitt.esp

WeaponModKits - BrokenSteel.esp

WeaponModKits - PointLookout.esp

WeaponModKits - Zeta.esp

WeaponModKits - FWE Master Release.esp <--

WeaponModKits - FOOK.esp <--




The problem isn't when i change the Hunting Rifle, it changes just fine....but when i change the modified Hunting Rifle from WMK that the problems start. because all three of the .esps with <-- have their own version and they are created by the WeaponModKits.esp so there is no .esm that i can make a plug-in for, so it just makes a duplicate in my new plug-in, and if i try to edit those arrowed .esp's it will create another duplicate and move up the order to another .esp, if i edit them all, it freezes on start-up, can't skip through the load screens, but they flow normally then i stare at the background that ussually has a menu overlay, but no menu, it'll stay there indefinitly until i alt-tab, then CTD. reinstalled WMK(all parts, including the FOIP stuff) and try it all over again, same results. twice.


I've tinkered with stuff before, and i've encountered the Duplication thing before, basically it means im not altering the original ussually i'd go "duh" and alter the original, but this time i alter the original and it gets changed back by WMK-FWE and WMK-FOOK plugins, but if i create my own change, it does jack-crap. so i just basically need to know, how to make MY version override the other versions, or how to edit the others so i don't get the crazy non-crash crash on start-up.


Does that clear it up any? I'm expecting someone to come along and tell me the simplest thing that i skipped. I kick myself, we all laugh.

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Well, your load order is not the problem, that is for sure!


I've experienced quite some problems with modding WMK, too. Did you try to open all the WMK esps one by one and modify the weapon in each and every one of them?


I actually hate to work with many .esps for this very reason.

Is it important to you that the weapon gets replaced or would you mind to just duplicate the weapon and create a "unique" one?


Don't forget, if you modify the original one you will have to check all those ammo-lists and make sure that those raiders get the proper ammunition, otherwise they won't equip the new gun. Right now they will be equipped with Hunting Rifle + proper Ammunition, but if you change the Ammo-Type to 556 then you will also need to ensure the supply of 556 for all NPCs using the Hunting Rifle. They just won't equip it if they don't have at least 1 .556 bullet in their inventory.


I'll try to find a way to bypass the overwriting but it will take me some time, because I'm kind of busy. Maybe someone else already knows how to solve this?

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Well, your load order is not the problem, that is for sure!


lol, told you...


I've experienced quite some problems with modding WMK, too. Did you try to open all the WMK esps one by one and modify the weapon in each and every one of them?


opening and editing one-by-one causes them to revert to the one above it until all have been edited, then it does the odd non-crash crash on start-up


I actually hate to work with many .esps for this very reason.

Is it important to you that the weapon gets replaced or would you mind to just duplicate the weapon and create a "unique" one?


I could create a unique one...but that eliminates the WMK coolness.


Don't forget, if you modify the original one you will have to check all those ammo-lists and make sure that those raiders get the proper ammunition, otherwise they won't equip the new gun. Right now they will be equipped with Hunting Rifle + proper Ammunition, but if you change the Ammo-Type to 556 then you will also need to ensure the supply of 556 for all NPCs using the Hunting Rifle. They just won't equip it if they don't have at least 1 .556 bullet in their inventory.


I was going to get to that...but one thing at a time, make the gun work, then ill let the raiders use it.


I'll try to find a way to bypass the overwriting but it will take me some time, because I'm kind of busy. Maybe someone else already knows how to solve this?


Thanks for your help, im in no hurry for this. its just one of those little things that once i thought about it seemed out of place. I mean, .32cal pistol rounds in a Hunting Rifle? REALLY? come on....add in the awesomeness of WMK, FOOK and FWE and the Hunting Rifle looks silly by comparison, when it should have a realistic place in the real world feel these mods give.

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I mean, .32cal pistol rounds in a Hunting Rifle? REALLY? come on....add in the awesomeness of WMK, FOOK and FWE and the Hunting Rifle looks silly by comparison, when it should have a realistic place in the real world feel these mods give.

true, true.



alright, hopefully i'll have the time to try this out myself tomorrow.

so until then just work on something else! :)

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