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How do I filter out "Adult" mods?


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I'm not a hormone-intoxicated 16-year-old anymore, and as such, I'm a little more discerning in my mod choices. Where's the option to filter out all the "Hentai" and "Nudie" and "Skimpy" armour mods?
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I'd like to know this as well. While I do utilize a nudity mod for realism's sake (they didn't have underwear during the time this game is based in), I don't like viewing all of the other mods that seek to make abnormally sized breasts on female characters.


I believe that you can use qualifiers in your searches to refine them, removing unwanted things (in your case, hentai). I'm not sure where I saw it, but I do seem to remember it. I'll look around, and if I find it, I'll edit this post with a link to the page.

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(they didn't have underwear during the time this game is based in)


That's an odd thing to say. I mean, it's not as if Tamriel is on planet Earth. Also, undergarments have been used since ancient times, beginning with the loin cloth. Even island tribes had them, like the Hawaiian "malo" or the Japanese "fundoshi". Also, if you look at certain ancient Roman mosaics, men and women are shown to have worn leather underwear and bras, respectively. Granted, in some Mediterranean areas where the weather is just plain hot and steamy, if you'll pardon the expression, wearing stuff under the toga was probably optional. And prior to public decency laws, Scottish men wore naught under their kilts (although some hardcore reenactors still do).


Also, choosing the "Block Adult Content" option doesn't really work, since apparently a whole ton of authors aren't properly labeling their mods as "Adult Content". I think TESN needs to step up their enforcement of that rule. There's kids here, you know.

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Also, choosing the "Block Adult Content" option doesn't really work, since apparently a whole ton of authors aren't properly labeling their mods as "Adult Content". I think TESN needs to step up their enforcement of that rule. There's kids here, you know.


The moderators of the Nexus sites rely heavily on us (the users) to file reports for such things - its a massive job, they catch what they can. But if you see adult mods with the filter to hide them going, report them, so a mod can deal with it.

Sitting 'round talking about stuff never got nothing done, y'know :P

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Actually, kids are not supposed to be here, even though the rules for adult content still apply. Games' rating is a bit too high for "kids". But, if you see adult mod not tagged as such, you need to report it. With that amount of content here checking everything is very hard for the staff. Other than that, blocking adult content usually works.
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I worded that wrong. What I meant was, the penalties for not properly labeling Adult mods should be stronger.


Penalties are pretty strong... (from the ToS) -

"Insure that any content that would typically be awarded a 15 certificate or higher in the US/UK film and video game industry is properly labelled with the “Adult-only” option when uploading files and images. Continued failure to adhere to this rule will result in your account being banned." (bold is mine)

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