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Issue with QTP-Redimized & FCOM


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******EDIT - RESOLVED***** - cause: Incorrect Archive Invalidation.


Hi there, I've recently come back to the lovely Oblivion and i'm a heavy MOD user, i had a pretty heavily modded Oblivion a while back but screwed my hardrive and lost everything, recently i've decided to come back and give it another go and have been slowly re-gathering all my old favorites. This time i've been using BAIN and taking allot more care and time to really learn the process of using Wryebash's many functions. Anyway, i've got to the point of having a perfectly running FCOM build, purely FCOM though with a few non intrusive UI/Main Menu/Loading Screen/Music e.t.c. replacers which sit above everything else and dont conflict with anything (apart from the odd deliberate conflict between certain files e.g: DarN + Dark UI + Immersive interface)


Regarding install order and when using BAIN to install mods, am i right in thinking if you are wanting to add a mod that should sit at a lower priority than another mod due to the engines file prioritisation (e.g. Unique landscapes should be installed after FCOM), do you have to uninstall everything on your list with a higher prioritisation than what you want to install and, then install the mod in question in the right place, then effectively zip the other mods back up by reinstalling them in order so it all sits nicely in place again?


The reason i'm asking this is since i have tried to place QTP3-Redimized/QTPR patch/QTP3_UOP32_Patch_2dot3 right after the UOP and UOP suplemental (should QTP go after the USIP aswell?), which i do believe is the correct (or best) order to install said mods, when going in game to check out if all is well there seems to be a problem with the meshes/textures for sack cloth pants, (i.e.neither are loading atall in respect to sack cloth pants, only the Icon in the inventory, putting them on makes the upper bottom part of the PC dissapear) and the bretons skin texture, not including the face, is all pink. I havn't looked to see if anything else is wrong as i havn't explored the issue any further yet.


After having a look at the conflicts stated in wryebash the only conflicts it detects are to do with meshes: Architecture/Dungeons/Rocks; & Textures: Architecture/Clutter/Dungeons. (277 conflicts in total, adding meshes and textures conflicts together - The conflicts are between QTP3Redimized.7z & Unofficial_Oblivion_Patch_v3_2_0_Manual_Version-5296.7z)


I don't see how that would effect skin texture or Sack Cloth Pants... To further this it does not mention effecting any kind of NPC or playable race skins in the ReadMe for QTP, infact i believe it mentions it doesn't actually effect any NPC/Race Skins.


The only thing that would remotely seem like an issue is the Clutter conflict, to which that is specifically textures\clutter\upperclass\upperchest_n.dds yet the issue lies with sack cloth pants.... Actually Upper chest may be the reason the breton's arms seem pink but the lower half (legs) are pink also and thats presuming 'upperchest' is refering to an area of the body and not a piece of furniture.


After uninstalling QTP3 from the list the problem goes away. I will post my package install order for inspection purposes, ignore the fake packages, they are purely for organizational purposes.


Could someone please explain to me why this is happening, i'm not entirely sure why this error is happening, i can take an educated guess but an explanation of the 'actual' process going on behind the scenes would fit much more comfortably with me. Not forgetting of course, any help or advice on how to fix this issue will be of great help to me and greatly appreciated.


(I hope the tags work.. first time posting)



Bain Packages:
-- 000 - ==MUSIC-SOUND==.7z (00000000) (Not Installed)
++ 001 - Main Menu Music Replacer_LOTR.7z (85A1449D) (Installed)
++ 002 - Custom Game Music.7z (26E6C334) (Installed)
-- 003 - ==UI-MAP-LOADING ==.7z (00000000) (Not Installed)
++ 004 - Dark UI.7z (6429E839) (Installed)
++ 005 - Dark UI Extras.7z (70975009) (Installed)
++ 006 - DarN Complete.7z (4F9ECB73) (Installed)
++ 007 - Elven Map Redux - Map & Icons 2.0.7z (AB438D03) (Installed)
++ 008 - Dark-UI Atmospheric Loading Screens.7z (ACF1D710) (Installed)
++ 009 - MaddBomber_EdgelessOblivion.7z (FE92DC4A) (Installed)
++ 010 - Map Loop and Oblivion Logo Replacement Video 1.0.7z (62BD3E1E) (Installed)
-- 011 - == FCOM1 ==.7z (00000000) (Not Installed)
++ 012 - FCOM_OMOBS1_0-28537.7z (EB1E2FED) (Installed)
++ 013 - FCOM_Bobs_Armory.7z (1E222C0B) (Installed)
++ 014 - FCOM_Loth_Blunt_Weapons_ver_3-0-1-12939.rar (E14D8906) (Installed)
-- 015 - ==Unofficial Oblivion Patch==.7z (00000000) (Not Installed)
++ 016 - Unofficial_Oblivion_Patch_v3_2_0_Manual_Version-5296.7z (BCBA7B56) (Installed)
++ 017 - UOP_Supplemental_v33-27710.7z (D305D0F3) (Installed)
-- 018 - ==Qarls Texture Packs==.7z (00000000) (Not Installed)
++ 019 - QTP3Redimized.7z (37657997) (Installed)
++ 020 - QTP3R-Patch.7z (7779A018) (Installed)
++ 021 - QTP3_UOP32_Patch_2dot3-11261.7z (68F66116) (Installed)
-- 022 - ==QTP END==.7z (00000000) (Not Installed)
++ 023 - UOP-Shivering Isles-10739.7z (79CE866D) (Installed)
-- 024 - == FCOM2 ==.7z (00000000) (Not Installed)
++ 025 - Fran_4.5b_'FCOM'.7z (75B2E060) (Installed)
++ 026 - USIP_MOBS_1-4-17621.rar (76D7B93C) (Installed)
++ 027 - FranDarkSeducerWeaponsPatch.rar (39CA83B1) (Installed)
++ 028 - OOO_'FCOM'.7z (2BB639F2) (Installed)
++ 029 - OOO_134_Beta_5_Patch-15256.7z (316172B2) (Installed)
++ 030 - OWC_'FCOM'.7z (11999D70) (Installed)
++ 031 - MMM_'FCOM'.7z (903B3AE7) (Installed)
++ 032 - MMM_Lich Textures_'FCOM'.7z (771B3B06) (Installed)
++ 033 - FCOM_Convergence_Beta_'FCOM'.7z (FC19131A) (Installed)
++ 034 - EntropicOrderRebalance_'FCOM'.7z (7EB6028A) (Installed)
++ 035 - ufcom.7z (62B956CB) (Installed)
-- 036 - ==Aesthetic==.7z (00000000) (Not Installed)
++ 037 - LowPoly_Grass_for_SI-5434.7z (2F3C3DCB) (Installed)
039 - ==Last==




Thanks in Advance! Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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