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Oh no! Help again!


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Wow... I hate to say it, but that's a pretty monumental screwup! The file "morrowind.esm" is the game's main file. It's like having Morrowind telling you that Morrowind is missing.


First of all, try this:


Put the Morrowind CD in your drive and wait for the startup screen to pop up. On the screen you should see a selection called "Data Files." Click on it. In here you'll see all the plugins you have available to activate, along with the game's main file(s). Make sure the "Morrowind.esm" box has a check in it.


If the box is checked and the game still doesn't work, the only thing I can suggest is that you do a complete uninstall and reinstall of Morrowind and any of the expansion packs you have. You may wish to wait for a few other replies from people on these forums, because I'm not exactly a tech guru.

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If you bought the game, the file should be on the disc, but the game will likely need to be reinstalled (should my first suggestion not fix the problem). Anybody who downloaded the game deserves to not have it work... it's not like it costs that much money for the many hours of entertainment it provides.


The computer game industry isn't behaving like the RIAA. They're not trying to screw over their customers, and they don't deserve to get screwed over themselves. So boycott the RIAA. Boycott Metallica. Boycott the greedy, money-hungry, power-grubbing, artist-crushing major music labels. But support the people who spent years developing and delivering a quality product with the unselfish goal of entertaining you.





(No, GACSean, this wasn't directed at you. I hope you get your problem fixed and can play this wonderful game ASAP.)

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Well in my expirience with the missing morrowind esm, if youre talking about a plugin saying that, The plugin file is no good, Ive had a few plugins that have said that. basically redownload the plugin(aka mod) and reinstall.
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