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Grey Screen of Death?


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Hello my followers of Oblivion, I have a problem with the game itself this time. I was trying to optimize the appearance of my game by changing the video options. Now I have come to a point where the character, scenery, and objects are no longer visible. What's strange is that I can still see the sneaking icon, heads-up display, and the character creation menu when I start a new game, but everything else is gray. Has anyone else experienced this problem? I have already tried reinstalling the game, but it was to no avail. Help, and you shall have my eternal gratitude and a piece of brain pie.






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Have you recently upgraded your graphics drivers?


Have you just tried removing the Oblivion config file from my documents? It will revert all the graphics settings to default though.


I don't have any idea if this will help, but similiar thing happens to people (probably only with Nvidia cards) when sneaking and looking at certain direction.

There's a fix for that I believe, but I cannot guess if it'll help you.

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