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gate to aesgaard portal problem


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im having a small problem with this mod (gate to aesgaard) and the cute elf race (last version at nexus)

heres a little spoiler but nothing critical


in gates of aesgard

when i get to the portal and kill the guardian the portal is unlocked but when i activate that i get a prompt about going back to real world or to stay

so heres the problem

until i know im supossed to go to the abyss trought that portal but it just send me back to a city. im sure thats coused by the cute elf race (it use the same portal) but cant fix it whit load order changes and im not really sure about what i need to modify in the cs

and yep right now im playing with a cute elf so deactivating the mod is a last resource option.


so if someone can help me with a fix for that or at least give some instructions to do it myself whould be gratly aprecciated

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