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Morrigan Or Leliana cant equip any armor


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This generally happens when you try to put armor/clothes on a character who's race doesn't have a model for that armor/clothe item.

Have you got any mods running that changes their race? Have you got the leliana's song DLC?


If your running such a mod or dlc you can try deactivating it to see if that works. But in the case of a mod that includes a .utc file for that particular character, chances are that yur most likely gonna end up having to uninstall that mod.

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  On 9/26/2010 at 3:28 AM, dragonstorm1 said:

Dont have any mod that changes race and disabled Leliana's Song and Witch Hunt still have the same problem and now Wynne does the same thing.all the males they can wear all their male armor correctly just the females cant.

Ahhh, now we're getting somewhere. So what mods do you have running that are gender-specifc? To include, any armor types that are intended for just one. Or, "have the potential to impact just one gender." (Thinkin' any of the body model morphs here...)


What happens if you try to equip, oh say, Sten with the armor that turns Leli invisible?

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  On 9/26/2010 at 12:01 PM, dragonstorm1 said:

Nbaio Override and Nvariety 4 far as body morphs.Sten couldn't wear the the female armor anyhow but all the non gender specific armor equips with no problems.

Why can't Sten wear the armour? He can wear every single set in my game from which he isn't class-restricted.


What happens if you equip one of the ladies with some armour that one of your gentleman can also wear?

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  On 9/26/2010 at 12:37 PM, Thandal said:
  On 9/26/2010 at 12:01 PM, dragonstorm1 said:

Nbaio Override and Nvariety 4 far as body morphs.Sten couldn't wear the the female armor anyhow but all the non gender specific armor equips with no problems.

Why can't Sten wear the armour? He can wear every single set in my game from which he isn't class-restricted.


What happens if you equip one of the ladies with some armour that one of your gentleman can also wear?


sten, he can wear every armor except female armor they come up invisible. and far as female wise light armor shows up fine ,some dont ,few heavy armors the same way

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I tried doing a google search for this. and the results were a lot less than spectacular. I managed to find ONE other case of something like this happening over on social bioware. Tho the case was from about a month or so ago, and was completely unresolved. With no posts in the last several weeks :(


The only real things that I can think of is that it's either a corrupted savegame, a bad/corrupted mod file, or a corrupted game file.


Or maybe possibly the STEAM version where some files got installed to the wrong place, and is causing bugs?

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