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Edgar's little secret


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This is my first finished and released quest mod. I've worked on some others in the past, but I made the newb mistake of getting too ambitious and bogged down in my work. So this is an example of the sort of mod I should have made to begin with. Here is the description from the file.


It's well known that Edgar Vautrine, proprietor of Edgar's Discount Spells, and Calindil, owner of the Mystic Emporium, are cutthroat competitors, constantly competing with each other to be the Imperial City's number one magic goods merchant. What no one does know is where they get their "goods" from. In this mod you get an inside look at the rivalry between the two businesses and an answer to that very question!


In this short mod you will have an option to choose sides working for either Edgar or Calindil. The final reward will be based upon who you choose to help. To begin the quest, however, you must first speak with Calindil about his "problem". This mod only takes a few minutes to complete, though there are two seperate paths to complete it, and is aimed at lower level characters who are not yet members of the Arcane University. Also, do not think that you will have access to both rewards by the end of it...even for you thieves...so be sure to decide which you think is most usefull to you.


If you want to try it out you can find it here: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=34755


Any comments or suggestions are welcome!

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