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Stalker SoC


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Hello folks. I asked on here recently about good standalone war games, and someone recommended STALKER, and so I bought Shadow of Chernobyl. I went for the Complete 2009 mod and am very pleased with it, running it on Windows 7 64 bit.


I find it to be similar to Fallout3 and more realistic, with human touches like men gathered around a fire and singing songs to a guitar ( just wish I understood Russian as they are forever calling out to each other), however, it does creep me out more than Fallout, such as when I get to the bit where I have to get into a laboratory... there are horrible THINGS down there that I cannot kill UGH. In an attempt to hasten my journey through that bit I looked at a walkthrough to get the keycode to open the door to the lab ( there is something invisible and nasty on the other side as well, but I have to go through the door to get the docs) however, the given code doesn't seem to work, and I wondered if the Complete 2009 mod might have changed it - or do I actually have to find it on a dead body before it will work? There are a few rooms down there, but I am scared these things will sneak up behind me and attack if I go poking around - it almost puts me off playing. Personally I would rather they just stuck to flesh-and-blood enemies - I can manage those. So, does anyone know what the code is in the modded version please? The one in the walkthrough is 1243, and the later one 9524 I think - but neither worked when I punched them in. OR, where is this dead body on whose PDA the code is according to the walkthrough ( and where is the protective suit in a locker nearby?) I have only found one body - no PDA and no lockers. And before you tell me off for not using a dedicated STALKER forum, I did, but got no answers, and anyway, I prefer Nexus.

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Here's the reason why it took me a year and a half to beat the original game.. No, the Complete 2009 mod doesn't change any of the story (if you were using one particular beta version of Oblivion Lost, then it'd be a different story).


Which lab are you talking about exactly? Until I know for sure, I won't be able to give you specific help.


This invisible enemy sounds to me like a poltergeist. You won't get a chance to kill it yet, don't worry too much. Just dodge the flying objects and you'll be okay. Check your map, and make sure that you've checked absolutely everywhere. I can't tell you how many times (First with SoC, then with Clear Sky and CoP) that I've missed a doorway or useful hole for weeks (real-time). The game was made in part as a survival-horror title. Even if they don't actually say so on their website, it's true. Everyone who's ever played the game has had your same reaction to the underground labs. Just take a deep breath, check your ammo, and keep your eyes peeled for inconsistencies. Trust me, they're everywhere.


PS: :thumbsup: for choosing Nexus. :biggrin:

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Here's the reason why it took me a year and a half to beat the original game.. No, the Complete 2009 mod doesn't change any of the story (if you were using one particular beta version of Oblivion Lost, then it'd be a different story).


Which lab are you talking about exactly? Until I know for sure, I won't be able to give you specific help.


This invisible enemy sounds to me like a poltergeist. You won't get a chance to kill it yet, don't worry too much. Just dodge the flying objects and you'll be okay. Check your map, and make sure that you've checked absolutely everywhere. I can't tell you how many times (First with SoC, then with Clear Sky and CoP) that I've missed a doorway or useful hole for weeks (real-time). The game was made in part as a survival-horror title. Even if they don't actually say so on their website, it's true. Everyone who's ever played the game has had your same reaction to the underground labs. Just take a deep breath, check your ammo, and keep your eyes peeled for inconsistencies. Trust me, they're everywhere.


PS: :thumbsup: for choosing Nexus. :biggrin:


It is the dark valley lab - I have done the side quest and rescued the duty brother ( who did NOT stay around to help me get out of the bandit's camp) and now I have to go to the underground laboratory nearby. I have killed all the enemies there, and opened the first underground door, presumably with Borov's key and I find a body, but nothing useful on it, then I go downstairs and get wooden boxes thrown at me - and there are a couple of artifacts to pick up. If I go looking into the corridor which leads off from there, several 'things' come at me and my bullets do not seem to kill them before they kill me - and there is something fiery that attacks me as well, EEK, I don't like it! I'm only lickle.

If I come out of the place and just wander around, apart from meeting the stalkers up the road who want to scam me with a false offer of a whizzy gun, I don't find anywhere much to go as the way is barred by fences or a gate - so I have to complete the laboratory task before I can progress.

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Alright, pawz, the boxes being thrown at you are the long-distance effects of a poltergeist. There's two different types of them, one looks like a "ball" of static electricity, the other one appears to be a floating fireball. The fiery ones are tougher enemies.


That's what you're fiery enemy is (I'm about 90% sure), you've fought them before (if you didn't just run from them, which is much easier). They're attracted to sound, so running and shooting gets them to attack you. A safe tactic against them (when fighting one solo) is to fire a few shots, dodge its attack, hide, then rinse and repeat. I wouldn't be surprised if your PDA is in that room somewhere.


The "things," what do they look like, exactly? Do you have time to react before you're dead? There's several different enemies that those could be. If it was earlier than dark valley, I'd reinstall the game and make a walkthrough for it (there are absolutely no good ones to be found). I'll keep looking, I just need a better description of the rest of your enemies.

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Alright, pawz, the boxes being thrown at you are the long-distance effects of a poltergeist. There's two different types of them, one looks like a "ball" of static electricity, the other one appears to be a floating fireball. The fiery ones are tougher enemies.


That's what you're fiery enemy is (I'm about 90% sure), you've fought them before (if you didn't just run from them, which is much easier). They're attracted to sound, so running and shooting gets them to attack you. A safe tactic against them (when fighting one solo) is to fire a few shots, dodge its attack, hide, then rinse and repeat. I wouldn't be surprised if your PDA is in that room somewhere.


The "things," what do they look like, exactly? Do you have time to react before you're dead? There's several different enemies that those could be. If it was earlier than dark valley, I'd reinstall the game and make a walkthrough for it (there are absolutely no good ones to be found). I'll keep looking, I just need a better description of the rest of your enemies.


the fire thing is in a room - and seems to occupy most of it with great swirling plumes of fire - don't think I can go in there - but if I go past that room there are creatures that look like humans on all fours at the end of the corridor, and they come at me so fast and kill me with slashing blows, even though I am shooting at the head and then as my body lies there the fire comes into the room and burns me up. YUK! I shall have a rest and then try again :)

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If the humans on all fours have gas masks, then they are these creatures known as "Snorks." The best way to kill them is to blast them over and over again with a shotgun. A headshot with a sniper rifle will also do the job (if you're not playing the hardest difficulty).


I stand by what I said about the fire. Your best bet would be to leave it alone, until you know whether or not it's necessary to kill; it eats up too much ammo. You're right, you should take a break. Resting allows you to come up with new strategies. Good luck, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. :)

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If the humans on all fours have gas masks, then they are these creatures known as "Snorks." The best way to kill them is to blast them over and over again with a shotgun. A headshot with a sniper rifle will also do the job (if you're not playing the hardest difficulty).


I stand by what I said about the fire. Your best bet would be to leave it alone, until you know whether or not it's necessary to kill; it eats up too much ammo. You're right, you should take a break. Resting allows you to come up with new strategies. Good luck, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. :)


coo! I am a S.T.A.L.K.E.R...even if a rookie; bosom swells with pride :biggrin: I will get me a shotgun and give it another go :thumbsup:

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there are two ( so far) in x18 - but then I am on 'novice'. I actually did kill one after several barrels (hooray) but couldn't reload the shotgun quickly enough to get them both in time - and by the time I find the right key to press for fast heal, its all over...
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