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Missing Icons


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Specifically, the ring Icon from Ren's Guard Overhaul is blank. I've had this problem before with custom racial abilities and modded special powers. Is there any way to reset the icon so that it appears? So far I've tried archive invalidation and using BOSS and Bash Patches, but nothing seems to work.


What is the general reason special inventory/ability icons for mods can be blank like this?

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If it is an item from a mod, there's a strong possibility that there never was one. Many times a modder may forego the icon altogether. The item will still work properly, only with a blank icon. Sometimes pink.


Usually it's not that big of a deal, but for some people using icon-based inventories, I'm sure it's a pain.

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That's what I hoped. I have however, found that rearanging and uninstalling certain mods will suddenly make a missing icon reappear. I've been un/re/installing several mods over the last two weeks and I haven't been keeping close enough track of minor graphical changes like this. So, I don't really know what steps to take to avoid these kinds of conflicts in the future.


Mostly I'm just glad that my current setup is stable enough that I finally feel free to start being concerned about the eye candy!

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