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Why I am Here.


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FIRST, if you are here to say this is in the wrong section. Read the topic description and leave.


Alright..second why I am here. Me and my friend 2cooldays have been buds for a long time. We have been modding together for as long ago as we were friends in an old re4 modding forum. I teached him everything he knows and a few days before his ban he told me to make an account on nexus. I have been helping with his mods in fallout 3 for a while now. So if anyone here see's me posting any of his mods he allowed me to do so. Now for the main reason I put up this thread...


The main reason I put up this thread was because 2cooldays is handing all of his work on Silent Hill over to me. I will have full control of who uses his materials, and ect. I will continue his project for him in the upcoming game New Vegas. In the meantime he has moved underground. (Fallout 3 Underground Forums to be exact). But if anyone *here* wants to contact him. I can take a message. If you PM his profile in nexus he won't receive it, he is banned.


2cooldays BANNED thread


Now if there are any questions, comments, or poetry on this talk about the Silent Hill project feel free to PM or post below.


EDIT by LHammonds: 2cooldays was your primary account, now your 2nd account is forfeit as well. Please go away.

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Such poor choice of words...

I am not saying I am that important, first off I think of everybody neutraly. Second this is a thread saying I will continue a friends long come project in the new fallout game. There is no need to use that tone of voice with me. If I wasn't so nice I'd probably say you were trolling. No one really needs to say anything. This is just to inform people. Best think before you speak next time. Ok?

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