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Really quick request


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I always thought the sound for the Power Fist was a bit underwhelming. Just a "kafump-kafwish" sound when it should be more like "SH-KADUNK!" or something. It's supposed (according to a very early gameplay video from Bethesda, at least) to "turn your punches into battering rams", and the sound just sounds way too puny for that. So I'm requesting a nice, hard, pneumatic sound for the Power Fist, alternatively links to some good audio resource pages and audio editing software (ONLY free public license stuff in both cases, pirates can take a hike).
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I always thought the sound for the Power Fist was a bit underwhelming. Just a "kafump-kafwish" sound when it should be more like "SH-KADUNK!" or something. It's supposed (according to a very early gameplay video from Bethesda, at least) to "turn your punches into battering rams", and the sound just sounds way too puny for that. So I'm requesting a nice, hard, pneumatic sound for the Power Fist, alternatively links to some good audio resource pages and audio editing software (ONLY free public license stuff in both cases, pirates can take a hike).

Audacity is a favourite for editing:-



There's a neat modular synthesiser called Studio Factory that might help for making your sound (and fun to play with if nothing else):-



Both free.


EDIT: Oh, and I found some sites that offer free sound effects by Googling 'free sound effects' :thumbsup:


Here's one:-



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Thanks for the software, Roque... though that site is all but free XD I googled "free sound effects" myself and what I found was either complete poo or not free at all. :(


Edit: Oh hey, word filter. Nice. Didn't know we had one XD

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