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Dogmeat - Improved Search Functionality


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Simple Idea

  1. Remove the annoying dialog box which opens up every time Dogmeat brings something to you.
  2. Put the dialog options which send him out to search for things on the first dialog screen and eliminate his responses so that there are as few clicks as possible.
  3. Optional: Fix the bug which causes Dogmeat to stop moving whenever you are crouched.

Complicated Idea

  1. Create whistles which send Dogmeat out to search for specific things (ammo, guns, chems, etc.), or at least a search-for-ammo whistle.
  2. As before, remove the annoying dialog box which opens up every time Dogmeat brings something to you.

Even More Complicated Idea

  1. Create a continuous search mode for Dogmeat, in which he continuously searches for a specific class of things (ammo, guns, chems, etc.).
  2. Create a customizable range that he is allowed to wander away from you in search of things.
  3. Create an in-game custom search category in which you can toggle off and on specific items. For example, by toggling certain options, I could make Dogmeat search for bottle caps, stimpaks, sniper rifles, and all ammo types.
  4. As before, remove the annoying dialog box which opens up every time Dogmeat brings something to you.


I'd be perfectly happy if someone could implement my simple idea, but I'd be even more impressed if someone could create the most complicated one.

Edited by Theoxeny
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