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Hey whaddya know? There is a Fallout NV version, just by a different author. Adds 3 different sets of Japanese Power Armour. Is that it? If you don't want the Japanese insignia or the colours, just download the flagless texture from the original FO3 mod and swap the textures.


This one looks like it, but not the same. The whole breastpiece is different.

Edited by ameranoz
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Okay, I think I got the right one. Here. The bad news is:

  1. It does not show on the screens, so you gotta download it and see for yourself.
  2. The textures are not included. The solution requires finding the textures in Broken Steel's .bsa file (you need Broken Steel and by extension FO3, of course), extracting them (look for 'armor\apa\apa_d.dds' and 'armor\apa\apa_n.dds') and copypasting them into the NV 'textures\dlc03\armor\apa' directory.
  3. You might not find the armours in the safe the author has placed them in. This is what happens when someone puts new stuff into an already existing container. Just in case, I suggest putting the .esp file low in your load order.
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