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people in towns randomizer ?


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is there a way to make people in towns more random ? so there could even npcs with custom races running around ?

or do i need to put npcs all by one into the towns ?


would be fun if every time you go into a city you see other and maybe more or less people walking around

maybe even people you can take into your group to fight with

or people which attack guards randomly


and maybe a bit more guards because all are gone after some minutes if you start killing them~


anyone got an idea ? would be nice if someone could help on this

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Well, it is possible, in a couple of ways actually. You can create Leveled lists with NPC's you create and place the lists in the cities. Being that leveled lists respawn, you will get a different amount of people in 3 days, and different people also, if you set your leveled list up as such. You can also set it up so that if your leveled list spawns people who fight guards, you also spawn some guards along with them. This method is best in my opinion for random people, who if you don't see again, you don't care lol


The other method is by yes, placing individual people in the town. The benefit to this one is that you could give them schedules telling them to travel in and out of town. Maybe on one day they're in Anvil, then tomorrow they travel to Skingrad to buy things, and maybe they live in a little cabin outside Kvatch which they travel to after that (which you could place.). Personally I like maybe adding both methods. It adds a little bit of the totally random people, but also some that will be random in your cities but you can find them again.


Also, the schedules can be given to the people you spawn in the leveled lists, but I'd keep those simpler since they've only 3 days. Maybe give them normal schedules of eating, sleeping, and so on, but I'd keep them in the same town. If you need any help, I can help you with both these pretty well, hope this helped!



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wow o.o the 'npc walk randomly from one town to another' sounds epic xD

so i put all npcs in by myself i guess ?

would be much work

is there any possibility for someone helping me ? or would that make problems because of 2 different .esp files at end ? XD


haha yeah, it's pretty cool and not too hard to do, and kinda, you gotta make them yourself but then you just put those in a leveled list and put the leveled list into the town (or they can be scripted to be there also I believe, which also is not bad and helps your mod be even more compatible with nearly any other mod out there.)


And I can help you out, and nope haha I can do an example .esp and send to you if you'd like and then you can use it to finish your mod, or if you want to I can do half the towns and you do half the towns? then we can merge them at the end and it'll work fine, PM me and we'll talk some more on it haha I'll whip up an example .esp for you anyway though =]

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