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Cant patch game


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I think what you are trying to say is you get the message saying it cannot install because a file with the same name is already installed.


This means it thinks you are already patched. If you have the Game of the year version, you must install the Shivering Isles part as the patch is on that.


If you have version v1.2.0146 (look in the lower left corner when starting the game for your version number) you have the latest patch.


If you have Oblivion and NOT Shivering Isles - get the Oblivion only patch and NOT the shivering Isles patch with the same version number. (scroll down for Oblivion only patches)


If you have Shivering Isles - get the Shivering Isles patch ONLY and do not install the Oblivion Only patch.


Be sure you get the patch for your language version or you will get a strange mixture of languages.

ONLY get the patch from the official Bethesda site to be sure you have a good patch (torrents are not a good place to get a patch that is free from the maker)


If you installed the wrong patch, you MUST reinstall as there is no way to go back.


Get patches Here: http://www.elderscro...tes_patches.htm - Be sure to read the instructions.


If you have a pirate version, Sorry about your luck - we do not support people who do not support the game makers.

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