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Feetless Women, Armamentarium


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So, this is something I just noticed, but apparently many of my women become feetless when wearing Armamentarium boots for Steel armor. I'm unsure as to whats causing it, but looking over the file it seems to be missing a nif for boots. I'm not a modder, so I don't know if this is intentional, or if it's actually missing something that should be there. I use Roberts Body, so yeah.. if anyone could help it'd be appreciated. I'm in the process of reinstalling the Armamentarium Roberts Body pack as we speak however.
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Certain sets of clothing do not work right with certain types of bodies. It can't be fixed without redoing the mesh in Blender or changing the body type the clothing is used on. The mod I am playing right now is pretty messed-up like that. There are missing heads, missing arms, and missing legs. The clothing is there, there is just no body inside it that you can see. I have been changing the clothing worn to vanilla Oblivion clothing (this mod is using vanilla Oblivion bodies.) Then both the clothing and the body inside can be seen.
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