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New Idea: Oblivion - Total War


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Hi, this is just an idea for a mod that's been brewing in my mind for some time now...

It might be great, it might be stupid... You decide...


It started with the idea that Oblivion is about an invasion by the Daedra Prince of destruction into Tamriel... So, where's the invasion? My idea for a mod is to make the world of Cyrodil a bit more like a country at war, or at least at the brink of a major invasion...


1. More daedras and dremoras should "come out" from the Oblivion Gates, and start wandering around, maybe in packs, and start attacking NPCs, esspecially near towns... (Maybe balanced by less Oblivion gates opening?)

2. More town guards outside of towns (maybe even making a spawn point near the gates to replace dead guards) to repel daedra.

3. More patrols (imperial legion, imperial battlemages or random adventurers) moving around in groups and being targetted by daedra raid parties.

4. The threat from Oblivion being an "international" crisis of some sorts, foreign troops could also make an appearence... Like Temple Guards in Indoril Armor or Morrowind's Great Houses's troops in bonemold armor...

5. Jauffre, after the player delivers the Amulet of Kings, might "suggest" the player to go adventuring for a bit and attain a certain level (20 maybe) before tackling the main quest and face the invasion.

6. The player could find troops or adventurers in Oblivion planes (or their corpses).

7. After successfully closing an Oblivion Gate, the player would be given the chance to be escorted by imperial legion troops or battle mages when attacking other oblivion gates.


So, any thoughts? Or are there any modders who would like to use this?

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The obvious problem is that NPCs that don't respawn or are essential will get slaughtered and screw up other things. The second problem is managing it all without killing most computers. Just saying you want this stuff is one thing, having the time and energy to figure out all the AI stuff where it doesn't look like pointless nonesense is something totally different. Yeah, I was kinda disappointed with how little the towns did durring the main quest. But creating something better would take some reasonable effort and some scripting knowledge.


It's a decent idea to some extent, but the way you describe it would end up being more of a pain in the ass for the player than offer any value. Stuff like this has to be handled and coded properly to be any good. That means having enough time to plan it out and make it happen, something very few are willing to do.


Maybe not all out war, just more of a threat. Have to remember, NPCs aren't quite as capable as you are (can be), this means that any NPCs used to repel would have to be reasonably beefy in order to survive past the first wave.

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Yeah dude, it sounds kick @$$, but I don't think that anyone would be able to run it, or make it without decent knowlage of programming, so it sounds more like an official mod. But the only reason most PCs cant run oblivion is because nothing outside a building is preplaced, like in morrowind. You proccesor has to generate all those trees and rocks, instead of your vid card just displaying them, so with that mod, it will then not only have to generate trees, but oblivion gates, even if you don't see them, creating a low FPS no matter where you are...
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