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Problem with dodge ability


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Hello guys,


I recently gained the dodge ability and, to my dismay, I found the following:


- When there is some distance between my character and an enemy, the dodge ability works fine


- When my character approaches the enemy so that we can hit each other, then, the dodge ability does not work.


So, basically, when an enemy is going to hit me with say a sword and I think: ok, now it would be great if i could dodge, then dodging is impossible (meaning: my character does not even perform the move). In my opinion this renders this ability useless so, please, tell me that a) this phenomenon is not supposed to happen or b) it's normal but there is a way to fix it.


PS: I'm using Deadly Reflex 5 but I checked with Vanilla Oblivion and the problem persists.


Thanks in advance,


Tiny Lampe.

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The dodge button doesn't register when you press it. There's a bit of lag between pressing and acting.

Basically, you'll have to dodge using your sense of premonition.


Mmm...I would understand this if I couldn't dodge at all but, as I said, dodging works fine (i.e. the game gets that I want to dodge) when there are no enemies neraby or when there are some but they are far from me. However, it's when I'm close to them that dodging starts malfunctioning.


Why the distance between me and the enemies would make a difference?

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Are you talking about the Deadly Reflex assigned Dodge key? Or the abilities you gain at Level 50 Acrobatics? Because the DR key is not a function of the vanilla game at all, so that's why it doesn't work then.


The move lags when you perform it. It doesn't seem to lag when NPC's perform it. This is one of several flaws in Deadly Reflex. The most glaring one being that NPC's can dodge your arrows, even when you snipe at them and they don't even know you're there! Unfortunately Sky Captain has vanished from the mod scene so there may never be an update to this otherwise awesome mod. One can only hope it's because he found a job at a game studio. We may have seen his work in a published game already and not even known it.



This lag is what makes it seem to not work when you're up close. If you see something coming at you, you press dodge, and after the lag your character dodges. When you're up close, and that Orc Marauder swings his giant two handed battle axe at your head, you press the dodge key, but you get hit before the lag. Have you ever gotten hit from an up close attack after trying to dodge, only to dodge right afterwords? Or maybe out of frustration, you're hitting dodge over and over again. Only the first time you press it actually works, so you find yourself dodging after the attack but it was really from the first time you pressed it.


In otherwords, what DrunkenGamer said. There's a lag. This lag messes with your perception and makes you think it doesn't work up close until after the attack is done.

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Are you talking about the Deadly Reflex assigned Dodge key? Or the abilities you gain at Level 50 Acrobatics?


I'm talking about the ability I gain at level 50 acrobatics, which has nothing to do with DR except for the fact that DR changes the vanilla animations of that perk. That's why I briefly mentioned DR in my first post.


So again, in the dodge abilitiy I gain in VANILLA oblivion at level 50 acrobatics, I noticed that I can't dodge when I'm too close to an enemy. The commands I have to hold (block + jump + direction) don't make my character perform the move.


I was wondering WHY this happens if, when alone or when enemies are far from me, I can dodge (i.e. roll) just fine.


Also, here, just to clarify further there is this thread started by another user with just the same problem:

My link


Thanks and sorry for not explaining myself better


Tiny Lampe

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