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Port of mod from Oblivion to Skyrim


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While playing Oblivion, I've found a custom armor called :

Remodeled Iron armor for bodybuilder by room207.




I have been in contact with the modder, and have been given permission to have it ported over to skyrim, if as natural all the right props go to him etc.


I have 0 skills in modding(I can use the kits to do stats, switch meshes etc, but beyond that 0 skill). Aka I have no idea myself on how to do this, nor do I have the patiences/skill/intrest in learning the mod-tools that is needed for textures/meshes etc.

So is there a talented person who would be intrested in porting this over to Skyrim I would appricate it alot.


The pm I have from the author will be presented to moderators or any takers in porting it.


Thanks for your time(should this not be the correct forum, I apologize for that)



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