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Infinite paid sellswords w/ recurring fees


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I have a great idea for a mod that provides a goldsink near the end, but only near the end.


See, most gold sink mods - such as Order Your Items - aren't very useful for providing end-game gold sinks. At the beginning, you really are strapped for cash. Getting large amounts of cash is either tedious or very boring. You only really need a gold sink at higher levels. However, with other gold sink mods like Cutthroat Merchants or Order Your Items, it lets you spend your cash at higher levels, sure, but it makes money at lower levels even more scarce!


Sure, you can adjust the percentages (kind of like in Order Your Items), but that's immersion breaking in its own right! Even if you pretend like the merchants themselves are raising their prices, and not YOU sliding the slider bar, there's no reason why would arbitrarily triple their prices overnight like that!


Here's a suggestion for a nice gold sink that only really applies at the highest levels, but still makes you feel like a badass!


Have about two hundred or so sell swords in various inns across Skyrim. Inns inside towns would have two sellswords for hire, and inns inside cities would have about five sellswords.


However, the hireling faction would also be re-worked so that they have the following stats:

  • They charge 25 gold per level, so a sellsword maxed out at level 40 would charge 1,000 gold (doesn't it make sense that the stronger warriors would be worth more).
  • This charge recurs every day. After 24 in-game hours, the sellswords would finish up whatever fights they're currently in, then nag you for more payment. You could also pay up multiple days in advance if you like (I've seen a mod that lets you do that with inn rentals).
  • Sell swords who you hire count as "quest followers," meaning that you can have an infinite number of them


Imagine, building a massive army! Scores of warriors, of all shapes and sizes, following you. Getting paid on a regular basis, according to how much they're worth. Want the entire 200 sellswords at your back? That'll cost you a whopping 200,000 gold per day! TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND GOLD PER DAY!


But if you can pull it off, you'll be leading an ENTIRE ARMY to do your bidding! How badass is that?!


This provides an incentive to keep spamming those banish-enchanted daedric warhammers, doesn't it? You'll also want to invest in one of those "merchants have 30,000 gold" mods, wouldn't you?


Any takers?

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