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Creating config files for mods


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Some mods include a .ini file for configuration, but some others do not. Specifically, I'm talking about Project Nevada, but there are a few others too. It would be nice to be able to create a new character and not have to manually reconfigure those mods. If possible, how would I go about creating a config file for a mod? I'm prepared to use the GECK if that's what it takes.

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There are functions included with the NVSE plugin that comes with MCM which allows for this. Specifically, SetModINISetting and GetModINISetting.


The settings for MCM menus are typically stored in global variables or quest variables, so you'd need to retrieve those and store them into INI files with SetModINISetting. Then, you'd need to monitor the variables for changes and update the INI file accordingly if something is changed. Upon starting a new game, you would use GetModINISetting to retrieve settings from the INI files and save them to the variables.


Problem is, not everyone who create MCM menus for their mods take advantage of these functions. I've worked on a plugin to make INI files for mods that do not have this functionality, but it's not ready to be released yet. There's some flaws with the architecture that I'd like to get straightened out first.

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