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wizards of the nine


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basically the same as the kotn storyline with a minor twist u help a npc warrior that will do the player character story the prophet asks u 2 find the items of the wizards of the nine that helped the kotn the wizards where once noble mages of the order along with the knights until a khajiit mage was slain by Umaril the fallen mage was tthe leader of the wizards the remaining mages of the nine scattared the fallen mages across the lands of tamerel each item hidden my a former member of the wizards of the nine who lay in a enetral rest like the knights of the nine.


The player has 2 go 2 the same areas as the knights of the nine quest line but with diffrent puzzles and completing each puzzle grants the player a wizarads of the nine reclic and a boss fight 2 find the next piece of the collection that wat u think about this?

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  • 3 weeks later...
Or you can just add 2 new sets of items at the ending with an extra factor to get them. These 2 new sets could be mage gear. It keeps the original story, but makes so that you don't only have warrior options of weapons and armor. (maybe new magic could also be a reward at the end or something)
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