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Diablo 1 Cathedral Dungeon


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So one thing I really miss about the old generation of video games, would probably have to be the Diablo 1 Cathedral Dungeon. Over 40+ levels of Cathedral, Catacombs, Caves, and then Hell itself. While I don't expect something of this calibur, I do wish to see some sort of mod emulating that. With a good number of floors, undead, daedra, vampires, and the like. No renaming has to go into it, I'm not looking for an overhaul or anything. Well, maybe something akin to like the Shadowfang Keep mod, where you're sent to Tristram, or something. I don't know.


I know there's the Blood Raven mod by David Brasher, but that's not really what I'm looking for. I want straight-out 10-20 levels of straight Nostaligia, mixed with the awesomeness that is Oblivion.


Or something, of the sort.

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This shouldn't be too hard for somebody accustom to making mods like this.

I would use an Aylied texture for this. Makes sense, right?


I think 8 levels would do it. 2 Levels of cathedral, 2 of catacombs, 3 of caves, and 1 of Hell.


While you're at it, why not create a Chaos Sanctuary mod from Diablo 2?

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That sounds good. Have the final boss be this, red colored jumped up Daedroth. XD Though personally, I like 10 levels. Nice long number, enough time to enjoy it. 8 levels would be like you're just getting into it and boom you're done. That's my opinion though, if it's harder for a modder to do something like that, then I don't expect it.


I'm not a modder, though, that's why this is a request. XD I think I'd probably fail misrably if I tried this.

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Well Idk much about it, but start with a pre made dungeion and rename it, move some things around and create a door to another premade renamed dungeon. Best way to learn it to try :) google and youtube tutorials on how to create. or modify premade objects, or how to create from scratch
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