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Do You Have a Dark Brotherhood Contract idea?


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Another idea is a feud between two noble families. Family A hires you to kill a member of Family B, then Family B hires you to kill one or two members of Family A. Then Family A hires you again, then both families have the same idea: pretend to set up a peace talk in order to get all of the surviving family members in one place so you can kill them. So you end up eliminating both families. :devil: That would be fun.


:devil: This is so happening. :devil: it will take some time to set everything up for this but this is going to be made.


the recuiting mission sounds cool too i will be making that one. in fact they all sound good kudos to you and have a cookie.

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I have some ideas:


How about being sent to recruit a new member? You have to break him out of prison without killing any guards.




Quote from USEP wiki:


the Brotherhood will not endanger other agents by helping you — unlike the Thieves Guild, which will help its members pay off their bounties
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It would be cool as a contract to kill a suspecting paranoid victim that would always travel and change his name, that way it would be more open ended, and give the player opportunity to explore and investigate all over tamriel, to have to track him down, and to be attacked by his goons every time he would flee from a certain city after you asked too much questions, say he´s in chorrol, you have no idea who he is, once you have asked enough questions around, he would become aware and hire somebody to kill you and flee to another city and completely change his name, somebody that could be quite a headache xD now that would be an epic contract, something with a deep backstory and lots of riddles
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What about a quest where you are asked to kill yourself.


Make it trigger only if the main quest has been completed. Tada, you are now the hero of Cyrodil.

As a member of the Dark Brotherhood, your identity is not known throughout the ranks. An anonymous letter is delivered to a member of the black hand, along with a hefty bag of gold.

The dark brotherhood is enlisted to kill said hero of Cyrodil (ie. you) and passes the mission on to you (ie. the hero of Cyrodil). Then, you must find a way of 'killing' yourself (such as a Romeo + Juliet style potion) to complete the mission. Bonus points for twisting it all up by summoning a creature dressed in your assassins clothes to 'kill' you.


Just a random thought.

Would love more assassination missions.

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Two questions:


  1. Will your mod take effect at the beginning of the game or after the "Cleansing"? This could have a bearing on how your additional missions fit into the overall scheme of things.
  2. On a related note, will you consider making your mod compatible with Whispered Warning? I think it would require OBSE to check for the existence of that mod, but if present, I think a wonderful quest after the original Sanctuary members come back would be for Ocheeva to have implored of the Night Mother to arrange for Arquen's assassination. The Night Mother would simply give the PC the instructions to do that, himself, rather than inform Arquen that she is to send one of her own people to kill her, of course. With Arquen out of the way, Ocheeva could be re-instated as the Cheydinhal Speaker and things would be pretty much back to business as usual, and you could then add a series of quests that are more suitable for the Listener, as the DBs best assassin -- jobs that may be a bit out of the ordinary, perhaps.

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You'll need at least one contract where the mark is someone you don't want to kill. This can be a bogus contract (e.g. you find out that the mark is a DB member and the contract is faked) or a situation similar to the unofficial request to kill Scar-Tail where you can choose to spare the mark and concoct "proof" that isn't. Give the player the choice of following the letter of the contract or their own (contradictory) judgement, just so it's not a mechanical process of doing what the contract says all the time.


Maybe a variation on Motierre, where you make it look like someone was killed, but they actually survived, except that you can choose that option instead of it being the way the contract tells you to do it.

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I have some ideas:


How about being sent to recruit a new member? You have to break him out of prison without killing any guards.




Quote from USEP wiki:


the Brotherhood will not endanger other agents by helping you — unlike the Thieves Guild, which will help its members pay off their bounties


eh lore only goes so far, then you have to bend the rules like they did with Motierre. the point of these new conracts is to have fun and this mission sounds like fun.


It would be cool as a contract to kill a suspecting paranoid victim that would always travel and change his name, that way it would be more open ended, and give the player opportunity to explore and investigate all over tamriel, to have to track him down, and to be attacked by his goons every time he would flee from a certain city after you asked too much questions, say he´s in chorrol, you have no idea who he is, once you have asked enough questions around, he would become aware and hire somebody to kill you and flee to another city and completely change his name, somebody that could be quite a headache xD now that would be an epic contract, something with a deep backstory and lots of riddles


the name changing would be difficult but everything else sounds cool :thumbsup: it will take time to set up but it can (and probably will) be done.


What about a quest where you are asked to kill yourself.


Make it trigger only if the main quest has been completed. Tada, you are now the hero of Cyrodil.

As a member of the Dark Brotherhood, your identity is not known throughout the ranks. An anonymous letter is delivered to a member of the black hand, along with a hefty bag of gold.

The dark brotherhood is enlisted to kill said hero of Cyrodil (ie. you) and passes the mission on to you (ie. the hero of Cyrodil). Then, you must find a way of 'killing' yourself (such as a Romeo + Juliet style potion) to complete the mission. Bonus points for twisting it all up by summoning a creature dressed in your assassins clothes to 'kill' you..


that is great and full of irony, i love it. and it really doesn't seem that hard to make either. thank you, another contract on the list. :biggrin:


Two questions:


  1. Will your mod take effect at the beginning of the game or after the "Cleansing"? This could have a bearing on how your additional missions fit into the overall scheme of things.
  2. On a related note, will you consider making your mod compatible with Whispered Warning? I think it would require OBSE to check for the existence of that mod, but if present, I think a wonderful quest after the original Sanctuary members come back would be for Ocheeva to have implored of the Night Mother to arrange for Arquen's assassination. The Night Mother would simply give the PC the instructions to do that, himself, rather than inform Arquen that she is to send one of her own people to kill her, of course. With Arquen out of the way, Ocheeva could be re-instated as the Cheydinhal Speaker and things would be pretty much back to business as usual, and you could then add a series of quests that are more suitable for the Listener, as the DBs best assassin -- jobs that may be a bit out of the ordinary, perhaps.


the contracts are given via new NPC in the sanctuary and are completely seperate from the normal questline. the new NPC won't arrive till you finish the Valen Dreth contract tho. the NPC who gives you the new contract probably wont care what else is goin on in the sanctuary. i was thinking about adding a topic to get him to help you kill everybody on that mission....


You'll need at least one contract where the mark is someone you don't want to kill. This can be a bogus contract (e.g. you find out that the mark is a DB member and the contract is faked) or a situation similar to the unofficial request to kill Scar-Tail where you can choose to spare the mark and concoct "proof" that isn't. Give the player the choice of following the letter of the contract or their own (contradictory) judgement, just so it's not a mechanical process of doing what the contract says all the time.


Maybe a variation on Motierre, where you make it look like someone was killed, but they actually survived, except that you can choose that option instead of it being the way the contract tells you to do it.


i was thinking about doing that on a contract on one of the blades members, a warning if you happen to be a member of the blades and don't want to get into trouble.

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Something I've always wanted to do is kill a count/countess. They know something and they must die. However that could cause problems as they would need to be replaced right? Or you could kill someone else in a castle.


Another idea I got was something like the guards of a city need to be "replaced" because they know something they shouldn't or something. That leaves you to kill them all. Fun!


Oh, Oh, Oh, and a contract where you must capture someone and torture them or something! And then kill them. To get the location of something or something. Or taking them hostage in exchange for the one that is the actual mark that's for some reason hiding somewhere you can't find them.


And more specific ways of killing. "You must kill this person here with this weapon." Like Person As food must be filled with poison. Or you must manipulate Person B to kill Person C. Possibly by a spell? Or talk themselves into killing themselves. Or killing someone with a banjo!


Wow I'm rambling. I like killing random people in random ways.


Not sure if you can do anything about this but something I'd really like to see is being able to snap someones neck or something else silent and fast. Maybe there already is such a thing. Please let me know if there is.


What about beating someone to death with a chair or something? Real slow and painfully.


Okay I'll stop there. I got plenty more ideas.

One last thing. It would be awesome if murders committed didn't go unnoticed throughout the kingdom. It's boring when you just killed everyone somewhere and no one seems to have heard of it.


Now that was all. I think. Maybe you could frame someone for a murder like telling the guards that they did something. Oh and if there were gallows somewhere you could frame someone for a crime and they would get hung because of you.


Gah. That's it right there.


I hope i didn't ramble to much. I probably did. I love assassinating.


Over exitedly



(Oh and maybe you could piss people off so much that they attack you allowing you to kill them in mid day where everyone can see without getting the guards allover you. )

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i do have a contract made to kill a member of the nobility, i won't say which one. :thumbsup:


as for the guards how about getting a list of corrupt guards and having to kill them all? :devil: a sort of evilly noble contract.

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Nobility shall die! Yay!


As long as there's a lot of killing involved I'm happy.


What about the gallows? I'd love to see someone get hung and then watch as they try to get out of the rope until they die a painful death. Then you poke them with a stick and smile.


A guard killing list would be awesome. But how would you tell the difference between them? Or you meant that you get a note that tells you to kill them all? :D

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