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Hm...an idea for tutorial (?)


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Okay, is anyone kind and experianced enough to make a tutoriall that explains how to add models from blender to oblivion, step by step. Im sure that many members of this forum would use one. I asked people from elder scrolls forum for support, but they just answer on questions that I never asked them...its confusing.


Here is what i am interested in :

-what format of texture do you use ? jped , bmp or something else ?

-do you use .nif version ? (you can change it by modifying blender script)

-what do you do after adding model to oblivion editor

-how can you keep texture of model in tes 4 editor ?

-how do you modify phisics of custom made item ?

-do you have errors when you add item (for example...old .nif version) ?


If you answer all these questions and requests, i will make my next sword have your name on it XD

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