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MO and Reproccer issues


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I just downloaded the mod organizer and tried it out, and I love it... but there's a problem. When I run SUM through it, while it's running the reproccer, I get the good ol' Java.lang exception error. Of course, I know how to fix this, and proceeded to use debug-starter to create the logs I needed and add the culprit to blocklist.txt. HOWEVER... I can't seemt o run the debug starter through MO. The debug is in the reproccer folder, which is inside the MO mods folder, as it should be. When I run it with the organizer, it says my SkyRe_main is missing... when it's clearly not... It's on my load order adn activated AND I have java7 as depicted necessary in a troubleshooting image in the reproccer mod page. Can someone help me out with this issue?.I've looked all over the internet and found nothing regarding this problem, at least, when related to the organizer. Any help would be appreciated.

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Hi. Not sure if this is the problem, but it sounds like it is. You need to run the reproccer or SUM or whatever program that needs the skyrim mods through mod organizer. Go to your data tab, find the reproccer, then right click and choose add as executable (iirc)


watch this video for details:


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That's the thing mate. I did exactly that... But as I ran SUM, I got the java.lang null exception error thing... And to fix that I gotta use the SkyProcDebug tool to to add whatever's causing the issue to the blocklist txt file... Problem is... I can't get the skyprocdebug tool to work, as it says Skyre_main is missing... but it doesn't do so when I run SUM, see? Weird error... I found nothing of the likes of it in my search through the internet

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Try this:


Make a new reproccer shortcut in MO same way you did before. Rename it to Reproccer debugger, then in the "Arguments" section add this:




(So add a space at the end of it, and then "-NOSTREAM" WITH the quotation marks.) save and run the new executable.

Edited by gezegond
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Alright, soo I got it to work after some fiddling thanks to gezegond, and here's what's in the Skyprocdebug log:


at skyproc.RecordFileChannel.openFile(RecordFileChannel.java:40)
at lev.LInChannel.<init>(LInChannel.java:43)
at skyproc.RecordFileChannel.<init>(RecordFileChannel.java:20)
at skyproc.SPImporter.importMod(SPImporter.java:530)
at skyproc.SPImporter.importMods(SPImporter.java:463)
at skyproc.SPImporter.importActiveMods(SPImporter.java:321)
at skyproc.gui.SUMGUI$ProcessingThread.run(SUMGUI.java:925)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

[211] [EXCEPTION] java.lang.NullPointerException
at skyproc.RecordFileChannel.openFile(RecordFileChannel.java:40)
at lev.LInChannel.<init>(LInChannel.java:43)
at skyproc.RecordFileChannel.<init>(RecordFileChannel.java:20)
at skyproc.SPImporter.importMod(SPImporter.java:530)
at skyproc.SPImporter.importMods(SPImporter.java:463)
at skyproc.SPImporter.importActiveMods(SPImporter.java:321)
at skyproc.gui.SUMGUI$ProcessingThread.run(SUMGUI.java:925)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

[212] [DEBUG] Closing Debug File. Time was: 2423


That's the error log at the end... I have no idea what it says, I don't speak javaese, can anyone tell me what I can add to bloclist?

Edited by itsthecrazydude
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This may suck to do, but why not add every ESP to the blocklist and run it, see if it works. Then, if it does, systematically wilt the list down. If it doesn't, you'll at least know that the list isn't the issue.


Other solutions that came to mind were making sure your overwrite folder was empty. GL man.

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[1] [OPEN DEBUG FILE] Opening Debug File
[2] [import Mods] Skipping a bad mod: Skyrim.esm
[3] [import Mods] skyproc.exceptions.BadMod: Ran into an exception, check SPGlobal.logs for more details.
[4] [import Mods] Skipping a bad mod: Update.esm
[5] [import Mods] skyproc.exceptions.BadMod: Ran into an exception, check SPGlobal.logs for more details.
[6] [sUM] Exit requested.
[7] [DEBUG] Closing Debug File. Time was: 13299


Skipping a bad mod: Skyrim.esm ..... Eeeeeehhmmmm.... Oook... I'm guessing that's aproblem... I'm gonnna verify cache file integrity and try again

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