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A dual item script


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I'm sure it's been done...but how would you go about setting up a script where if a player or actor has one item they automatically have another...and if they drop one, they lose the other?

The primary use of this is a chainsaw bayoneted shotgun I'm making. Due to GECK limitations, it comes a two separate guns, but seeing as it's essentially the same gun, it would make no sense have the shotgun but not the bayonet. Therefore I got to tinkering around with the idea of this if there's one then the other idea, but I cannot figure out the script for it. Any pointers?

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something like


scn myscriptitem1

short doonce

begin onadd

player.additem item2 1


begin ondrop

player.removeitem item2 1



Then on item 2, you would want the same script on it that adds/drops item1.


If you have xcaliber munitions shop try looking at the script on the smoke monster. It has 556 mode and grenade launcher mode, if that's what you're going for with your gun.

Edited by Quetzlsacatanango
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