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Armor wear characters out


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Hello all,


Over the years, since Daggerfall back in 1994, I've always roleplayed my characters more or less the same - also regardless of game, be it Ultima Online, Baldurs Gate or any other game - with the use of several armor types with me.


This is what I do:


For citylife, taverns or general hanging around I wear normal cloths, footwear, hoods - whatever I feel is accurate

For traveling I use very light armor, in Skyrim its a lot of fur armor, light footwear, padded armor, backpacks, knifes or long knifes/short swords and so on

For combat/dungeons I take out my most dangerous weapons, spells and my best/heaviest armor


So this is basically how I play the game, to give myself some sort of graphical realism and also try to find some sort of realistic way to actually live in Skyrim. I don't see myself going to a tavern and having a light conversation in full daedric armor or with by battleaxe or actually want to stay in a full set of heavy armor through an ingame year without every removing it.




With this in mind, I would love to see a mod that does the following:


Depending on armor class and armor weight I would like to see my character (and possible other characters) wear himself out after wearing armor for too long.


For example:


Wearing only cloths and shoes/boots does nothing to my characters stats - like now

Wearing light armor lowers all stats with something symbolic, like 5 points. But running from example Whiterun to Falkreath and then not remove it the characters stats, starting with stamina, slowly starts to fall (say that the character has 100 stamina, putting on a full set of light armor lowers total stamina to 95 and after each full day in this armor the total stamina goes down with another ten points). Same with heavy armor, but here it also lowers the total health. Not from the beginning and not much, say that after a full day in a full set of heavy armor the maximum health goes down with ten points due to internal bruises on knees, elbows and so on.


Resting without armor on would restore the stats to 95%, only sleeping or playing the game without armor would restore it to 100%.


Another thing I would like to see is actual ingame type pass while the character gets into, or out of, the heavy armor set. So for an ambush, it should not be possible to pause the game, put on the armor and weapons, and beat the crap out of the attacker. No, I'd like to take a few moments to get into the armor. This would make it a lot more realistic traveling around imho.


What do you think?

Happy New year!

Edited by Run4life
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