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Problem with Blood of the Daedra


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Hi all,


MINOR (IMO) SPOILER for Main Quest, but I need help.


I normally do not participate in the forum, but it's been a while since I've played Oblivion and I've run into a frustrating issue I cannot seem to resolve. On Main Quest 08, titled Blood of the Daedra, you are tasked with delivering Martin a daedric artifact. I know that the staffs are probably the best way to go, but I normally avoid the daedra all together, do not ever use any soul capture spells, and rather enjoy Azura's quest. I'm playing as a character who would be rather clueless about daedra and avoid them (sticking with the more churchy religion), and I always felt Azura's was the best fit for this guy.


Anyway, I went through the mission and when I got to Martin, I didn't even have the option to give him the Star. It only offered "I'm not yet ready to give an artifact" or something to the nature. I tried to go back to an earlier save, and repeat the mission. Still no dice. I pondered if it may be something which would happen with all the artifacts, so I tried another one, which worked. I have not been able to find any reports of this problem elsewhere and cannot see any reason why this problem might arise.


I'm running the latest version of everything, have SI, Ko9, and all additional plug-ins. I'm using a few mods, but nothing should affect this. The only mods I have some concern over are Curse of Hircine (I've experienced trouble with it before, but not with this particular issue) and Supreme Magicka which I am using for the first time.


Any ideas?


Thanks for any help/suggestions and for all the hard work you all have done in making this game a better experience for everybody, whether through modding or advising.



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I suspect, as AlfredTetzlaff, above, mentioned, that the game has glitched out on you. I've had a problem with Daedric artifacts, myself, being unable to use the Oghma Infinium, and wound up giving that to Martin, instead of Wabbajack, which most people consider to be the best item to sacrifice for Martin's project. I honestly don't understand why it bugged on you twice in a row, though. There's not much you can miss. If Martin is ready for it, which he will be if he sent you on the quest, and if you have the item, regardless of which one it is, he should accept it.


Do you have a mod that in any way modifies Azura's Star? Check carefully. I don't know of any mods that should affect Azura's Star this way, but perhaps that's what has happened and the game doesn't recognize it as being on its list of acceptable items to give to Martin. Anyway, Azura's Star is the very last of the items which I think I would give up for this cause. You're better off keeping it, in my opinion.

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Thanks folks. I had tried the wiki, but found no reasons there for my problem. I suspect you are right and it must be a glitch. I have no mods which alter Azura's Star, unless I missed something in Supreme Magicka (which is the only one I had never played with before). I will try an even older save in the mean time.



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