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I've been modding for a while, since Morrowind, and i'm pretty profficient with it. I made buildings in MW, along with Race, class, birthsign, and item modding, and have already become profficient with that stuff in Oblivion. I am new to retexturing however. I made a Red flax tunic on request, and it looks awesome. I made the item in the CS use that texture, and it looked fine with nifskope, and when i used it in game, the gnd was fine, but when i put it on I became invisible(chest). Anyone know what is wrong?
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I've been modding for a while, since Morrowind, and i'm pretty profficient with it. I made buildings in MW, along with Race, class, birthsign, and item modding, and have already become profficient with that stuff in Oblivion. I am new to retexturing however. I made a Red flax tunic on request, and it looks awesome. I made the item in the CS use that texture, and it looked fine with nifskope, and when i used it in game, the gnd was fine, but when i put it on I became invisible(chest). Anyone know what is wrong?


I once downloaded an armor (the screenshot was fine), and when I put it on my female char, everything below the breasts until the hips dissapeared. Reminded me of Alien 4 ressurection o.O


I would like to know whats wrong as well. Perhaps a corrupt mesh?

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I think I know why now. I am working on a hobbit race, and if you save the texture as an "alpha rgb"(i think thats what it is called, there is an option box) texture instead of "average rgb" that will happen. I just loaded up the hoobit textures, and it worked as "average" but not "actual". At least i think that is the problem. I haven't tried it with my red flax tunic yet.
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