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dismemberment mods


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is there please say yes, a mod that allows you to dimmenber body parts like cutting off arms and seeing them laying down on the floor street whatever....slicing heads off cracking skulls in bloddy fragments more gore more blood more destruction cutting bodies in half and seeing half cut bodies of zombies crawling around blood that stays ligaments that stay.....whats a sword fight with the ability to cut of an arm or an leg or a head now that reality non of this fake cutting poo and dissapearing blood....can any one help....
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god thats sick...



I didnt personally saw a mod that allows this but I did came across some mods that enhaces the blood in-game. A little google search could devoil the answer to you.

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yeah, but you can enhance blood in the .ini file, and i mean go PSYCO with it, if you set imaxdecals(i think) to a higher number, that will up the blood. Go crazy with it, just be sure your vid card can handle it, or you will get crashes(if you set it to... say... 100).
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I did a small research, but so far, ive found nothing. There seems to be a dismemberment and creature mod for morrowind tho, so if someone did it there, why not in oblivion too :)?
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thanks for all your responses I guess there isnt true body hacking in this game which sucks doom 3 had a mod it was ammmmmazzzing body pards expolde and ligaments layed on the floor, this sucks it would be auwsome if this game had thaat elemenmt available cut an arm off watch a civilian or monster screaming in pain blood gushing everywhere..............mmmmmmm good idea?
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I believe the main thing creating problems would be the way body meshes are setup in oblivion. Upper arm, lower arm, chest, and neck, for both right and left sides are all a single mesh. In Morrowind, these were seperate meshes, so you could disable one at a time. It just wouldn't work with how the meshes are setup, even by adding some sort of new animation.
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  • 8 months later...
Look at the mod Deadly Reflex it adds dismemberment and blood pumping out everywere also some pretty gruesome sounds along with it.
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Yeah, Deadly Reflex is really shaping up. It gives you the ability to chop people in half, behead them, and cut off their hands (so long as you don't use custom body meshes). The next realese promises for exploding bodies (when hit with a particularly powerful spell), even more dismemberable parts, and horse combat.


You can check it out here:






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