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Biggest Bug you ran into


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I have to admit. Oblivion, beying a great game, isnt perfect. We all sometimes run into bugs, glithesh, lags. So get confy, and amaze us with huge, small, mediocre but hillarios (or serious) bugs you ran into. :D

Also to make this funner, name your bug :). Dont be shy, and get creative.


The Big Gray


I for once, met many many bugs. One that I remember is I cast a teleport spell ( from multitude of magecraft mod). Then I enter Chorrol Mages guild and find myself free falling in a infinite gray landscape! I could launch fireballs, unsheat my sword and do everything, except I was constantly falling into the Big gray.

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Mines probobly getting stuck halfway through the wall. I was being chased by the guards and when i spoke to one then resisted arrest i was fine. Then i went to 3rd person to find half my body gone. I went back to where i was stuck and fell down a big grey hole, finally i fell back down to earth with my full body and died.
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Mines probobly getting stuck halfway through the wall. I was being chased by the guards and when i spoke to one then resisted arrest i was fine. Then i went to 3rd person to find half my body gone. I went back to where i was stuck and fell down a big grey hole, finally i fell back down to earth with my full body and died.




That happend to me as well, in the Mythic Dawn hideout, they all attacked me and it resulted in sticking me to the wall. Tho thats all that happend, I was stuck there for ever.


Flying swimmer


Once, during a peacefull night in cheydinhall, I decided to take a swim in the nearby river. I had some trouble getting out of there tho. After I got out, I noticed that my character was moving pretty slow. I put my view in 3rd person and BAM! Here I am, swiming in mid air. It really looked as if I was levitating ><. I couldnt rest or do anything, Mark/Recall didnt saved me either. Had to fast travel to get rid of it.

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You should have sung "i belive i can fly" while it lasted


ANother one


I was doing suicide jumping off of the white gold tower (paint brush trick) when just as i was a meter from the floor somebody spoke to me, then i ended the conversation (whew big word to type) and stopped falling, i was walking around a meter from the ground (for once i'm tall!)

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I had 2 glitches in oblivion:


1) Every time i hit my horse (accidently), everybody around yells 'Thief, Thief!' though i dont get bounty ,and a messege pops out "you have been cought stealing from thieves guild member, talk to Armand" man was that frustrating.


2)one day i have 100 sneak skill, next thing i see it dropped down to 20. I was very pissed and i had to train all over again.


ow and a neat 1, my lockpicks didnt ever break. It felt like vacation to rob people. It ended when i started a new game.

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You should have sung "i belive i can fly" while it lasted


Belive me, I did lol


1) Every time i hit my horse (accidently), everybody around yells 'Thief, Thief!' though i dont get bounty ,and a messege pops out "you have been cought stealing from thieves guild member, talk to Armand" man was that frustrating


That is just weird... o.O Wrong script maybe?

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Hmmm... I'd have to say I wanted some armor (took it off the Battlemages :blush: ), and I have it, but it looks like it's still on them, only skin is coming through. Maybe it's just because I have the Arch-Mage Armor and Arch -Mage Armor putter-oner (I don't know what's it's called), so I get the Arch-Mage armor instead of Legion armor. Oh, this next one's not a bug, but it's really funny:


Type tcl into the console (reached bu pressing ~), and go really high in the air. Then, drop everything that you don't want that you have (trust me, you'll lose most of it). Untype tcl (oh, and while your at it, type tgm to turn on god mode, then when you're done, just type it again, and you're good to go). You'll go down faster, but you'll just have to wait for it to come.

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You'll go down faster, but you'll just have to wait for it to come.


Im not sure I understood any of that o.O . Anyone had missing textures and meshes errors? Those are fun :)


simply drop an object wich has no image when u drop it and a big white box with an exclamation point will appear where u dropped that specific object. Usefull when you have trouble finding your home or specific shops although it only works and medium-short distance.

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I fogot to say the best and funniest one ever, i stole some cheese in BorderWatch and as i was going down the steps out of there it wouldn't let me move so i thought i was over encunumbred and i was so a dropped a piece of cheese and walked off. I finally turned around to find a massive piece of cheese with a lot of textures missing, then it flashed and turned into ma tiny piece of cheese.


The next thing i know was in the imperial city there was the same bit of cheese (still inflated) in the very middle.

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