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Character Name


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Right i wanna know what the name of your strongest character is or your favourite.

My best is a Nord-Knight called Hell-Fire - i use that name for a lot of things.

I also have a rubbish Khajit whom i never play with called Duriel, lol, how original.

Erm the emporers parents copied him, they thought 'Hey There's that cool Duriel chap, we are having a child what shall we call him...erm.....not Duriel....erm...Uriel Yes that works!!'


Well Get back to me

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Oh I use Elven Names :)



Alvelia Chry'valen


Lauranthelas Ganthal


Tanis Half-Elven <--- lol



But my favorite name that I never used because I always forget about it when the time comes is


Raistlin Majere or Raistlin the Corrupt (my fav char in the dragonlance series)


Sephiroth and Sesshomaru are lots of fun as well :)

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Oh I use Elven Names :)


Tanis Half-Elven <--- lol


But my favorite name that I never used because I always forget about it when the time comes is


Raistlin Majere or Raistlin the Corrupt (my fav char in the dragonlance series)


Sephiroth and Sesshomaru are lots of fun as well :)




Tanis and Raistlin!!

Good choice in names

i started reading Dragons Of Autumn Twighlight but decided to put it off so i could finish reading 'The Heritage Of Shannara Books' - the second series of Shannara by Terry Brooks.


Dragon Lance is very good!! I am like half way through the first one!

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Dragon Lance is very good!! I am like half way through the first one!


The 3rd one is the best in my oppinion ^_^. Wont tell you why mwahaha


But I must say something on-topic or ill look like a freak: Another Fun name



Nightmare ( from SCII ^_^ )


or Feliathes Managoth <-- Fun name for an elven male


Edit: Check this site for lots of mystical names: ( I think these are dog names but whatever)



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Do most people prefer to give there characters a first name and a surname? e.g Walker Boh.

As thing would create a more detailed sense of role-play

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Do most people prefer to give there characters a first name and a surname? e.g Walker Boh.

As thing would create a more detailed sense of role-play

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

He Buckles Swash Like Nobody's Business



Some do, some don't I guess. I don't do it with every character I make, just a few. Most of the times those are the "good" characters, not the evil. I don't really know why.

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oh man, i love the dragonlance chronicles. didn't think there was other readers! Kitiara is a little angel, but think that Fizban(i had his true identity here, then read Dave isn't that far yet...) is the best at magic, and the kender is so freaking hilarious. I read first 5, and yeah #3 is wicked good. Kinda sad tho...


Anyways, i usually use Gorax for my orcs, bosmir for my wood elves, shadow and sithis for my shady assassin type characters.

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I use elven names as well. Duzihmön Lekhimúthuh, it's a male name and you have to pronounce it like this: du-ZIH-mon lek-hi-MOO-thuh.

The "h"s always have their sound! Duzihmön means "hope", while his last name, Lekhimúthuh means "Blazing soul".

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