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Oblivion Or World Of Warcraft


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I didn't expect any different answers... Of course! This is a forum about oblivion! When people go to the thread, they certainly like Oblivion, why else are they here? If you would ask this question on a WoW forum, you would get more "WoW is much better!" replies.


Would be fun to try, where is the largest WoW forum? :rolleyes:

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Ok ok ok....i am sorry i asked!

i was just curios to see what people thought!

Not many people answered about the inventory thing tho!

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Maybe the way I "said" last post wasn't clear. It wasn't a "this thread is useless because the answers are obvious" post. It was meant friendly... Or something like that. :happy:


Anyway, about the inventory: I think it's a bit unrealistic that you go from freely moving to unable to move. Being slowed down the more you carry would be better. "Hey i'm carrying 5 daedric armors without problems! Weee i'm walking just as I walk when I carry nothing! Oh look, a potion on the ground! I'll pick it up. Oh nooo! Too heavy... can't... walk.. anymore..."


I don't know about a limited space to put your loot in... Would be more realistic I guess...

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Dave 7he Rave!!!


Maybe as this chap says...Mr LlamaSprinter :glare:

Also with the carrying thing i would say 1 but what would be best is putting them both together then you have the best ever.


It would be a good idea to combine the two.

For example you can carry a certain amount of items up to a certain amount of weight, although i feel this would get quickly annoying, more so than the currently used inventory options.

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I would deffinetly choose oblivion. My brother though, is hopelessly addicted to WoW and will not say that OBLIVION is clearly ahead of WoW. To me WoW looks like the old world of gnomes from fairy tales, where people who dont acknowlede what great games (like oblivion) there are these days go. I dont even know how did that gnome-world game reached the top-charts, but my guess is that it's ONLY becouse of it being a MMO-RPG. If it matters to you weather you are playing with actual people or the computer, i guess this is the game for you o_O ... but if you are like all of us here, OBLIVION all the way.
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In Oblivion, you can fix your bugs and glitches.

In WOW, the others can exploit them.


In Oblivion, multiplaying is free.

In WoW, it's 9 Euro a month.


In Oblivion, you can fine-tune your graphics.

You can too in WoW, but that way you won't get 5000 downloads and feel like you own the Earth, right? :)


In Oblivion you can script whatever you want.

In WoW, scripts are banned.


In Oblivion, YOU define your class.

In WoW, your class defines YOU.


In Oblivion, you get the choice of wether being evil or good. You slay the ones you want to.

In WoW, you can slay all the people you want without it doing ANYTHING to your score. And they respawn an hour later.


That was just my little list. There's tons more :()

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