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Living my Unlife


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One full moon, long ago in June, did the cries shriek for sorrow.

For you see in a moment of glee a woman was giving birth.

“Push one more and soon you’ll be out the door tomorrow”

Desperate in pain, almost driving her insane, and the baby had such a girth.

“Job finally done, but be there no fun, as I have words to dread.”

The doctor had told the mother so bold that unfortunately her baby was dead.


That was my start, with no beating heart, the beginning of my unlife.

Imagine me that, growing up as an undead brat, flesh dripping always.

It wasn’t too long till people took me wrong and gave me nothing but strife.

By age five I envied those alive. They could never understand my days.

At age twenty I had grief a plenty, bullet wounds scattering my skin.

Now I am grown, and my temper is blown, I will revolt towards their sin.


Now every night, I go out and bite, and spread as much I can my infection.

It’s all their fault, now here’s the result, they shall learn to fear.

At the peak of night when there is no light I shall practice to perfection,

My grabs and pulls, stabs like wild ghouls, reveling in the victim’s tear.

When all have died, my relief will be sighed, and all shall be fine,

I shall sing so loud as I wring a neck so proud and… Crap, stepped on a landmine.


Limbs flying random, dropping all in tandem, I will still be filled with glee.

As the insults flown, punches blown and gunshots at my knee,

The crowbars flung, the hunting songs sung, the chainsaws swung so terribly,

All have come to an end, no more guts to rend, now they all see.

My unlife at last is devoid of strife, it’s all in the past, no more horrible dread.

So ends my story, bloody and gory. Now to live as an undea… Crap, another landmine.




Requested by: Thor

Sorry it wasn't better. Way too sick to think well. Hope you like it.


Be well, sleep well, fight well, live long.


@ A moderator: I accidentally said #3 in title, can you change to #2?

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Nice attempt, i was hoping more moans and brain talking, but this would have to do, i always wondered what a poem would be like if a zombie were to say it :tongue:


I don't see any mention of cheese though :tongue: .


Sorry i couldn't resist :teehee: :teehee:

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Then.... I'll do request #3! I'll write you another tomorrowz. :)


Also, go ahead and read the accidentally posted in The Lounge called Just Keep Swimming.

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