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Need help scripting.


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Okay, so here's my predicament. People all over do all this quest scripting and act as if it's nothing but I have not even the most basic insight on how to begin scripting. I'm currently downloading like a 100-200 page PDF file on understanding papyrus and how to script, but for the time being I'd like to know how to script the function, so when you open a book a quest starts. I have no clue how to script and have very little experience making quests, I'm more advanced at creating worldspaces. If anyone could please explain to me how to create and script a quest that begins when you read a book I'd be grateful. Preferably easy to understand step-by-step instructions, because I have no clue what I'm doing.

If it helps, this is what I want to happen in the quest.

1. Steal, and read book, beginning quest.

2. NPC Approaches you and has custom dialogue.

3. Further investigate the contents of the book.

4. Explore a cave mentioned in the book.

5. Quest ends with you being transported to my custom worldspace after activating a statue.

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