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Blender/nifskope export error when making hoop skirts


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Hi, all. I appreciated the help I received here before, so I thought I'd try you guys again. :)


I have finally, at last, managed to successfully create and weight paint a new skirt mesh. I remembered someone said they wanted classy ballgowns, so that's my goal in mind. I'll start with skirts and work my way up to whole garments, since the painting is less complex.


So I made the mesh, and I exported it to nifskope and jacked it into another mesh per Cuteunit's tuturial. It worked fine. Then I tried it in game and it didn't fit quite right, so I went back into Blender, tweaked the fit, and exported it again. Now when I add it into another mesh in nifskope as before, it appears tilted far up to one side so that it's almost upside down.


The translation coordinates in nifskope aren't any different, and it's not skewed in Blender either. It appears normal in nifskope until the moment I add the trishape into a new mesh and note it in the children of the parent node. Then it becomes suddenly skewed.


Anyone have any ideas? I'll be trying the niftools forum as well.

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