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Nexus Mods Don't Show Up in Data Files


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I've spent the last two days (Literally from the second I wake up to the time i go to sleep) trying to install nexus mods onto my computer without any success.

Its a Brand new computer I had just built the day before, Im using a SSD as my boot drive and a 3tb Hard Drive to store everything else.


I bought Skyrim off Steam and installed it, and installed the Nexus Mod Manager. After downloading about 20 mods, I activated each and everyone in the NMM and they all say they were successfully activated. I launch Skyrim via steam and click data files and the only things that show up is the hearthfire and dragonborn.esm files. I went to Games/NexusModManager/Mods and copied all the various .rar, .7z, and other compressed files and extracted them to ProgramFiles (86)\steam\steamapps\skyrim\common\data (where i found hearthfire and dragonborn's files) and then a fraction of my mods worked/showed up in datafiles. I know texture mods dont show up, but many other ones didnt show up either. At this point I literally dont know what else to do. I've wiped my hardrive twice, reinstalled skse, skyrim, nnm,all the mods, 2 or 3 times and each and every time it never works.

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  • 1 year later...

Consider moving your Skyrim to another directory like documents if u want to mod it programfiles is a folder that needs high level rights to be accessed/modified.

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