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Trade Caravans stopped moving


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I will remove the RKR mod, was an oversight, for some reason I thought you still needed it to work with FWE. Thnx guys.


I remember Doc Hoff was stuck outside Agatha's. Others stuck at Canterbury? I can hunt for them again if you need. I got frustrated and just kept playing, so I've forgotten where they all were now.


So Kitty, is my load order OK? I know the plugin.txt lists them wrong but FOMM lists them in correct order, as i set them up. Any idea how that happened? I used BOSS to sort as well, and played around with LOOT at first but it was giving me crazy load orders so I didn't use it. Should I change the plugin.txt to correct order to match FOMM or would that wreck things? I was so careful about my load order too when I set it up in FOMM, drives me crazy that something might have gone wrong with it.


Other than the caravans stopping, I haven't had many issues with my game. The occasional random CTD but they are rare. Only other bug I noticed was when I took Dogmeat with me and exited Megaton, he wouldn't exit the city with me. He'd follow to the door but when the game loaded outside he wasn't there, if I went back in he was waiting by the exit still. I had to wait for 4 hours outside for him to appear. Was odd, but I go solo anyways most of the time so I didn't care that much.


Appreciate you taking time to investigate for me, Kitty. At least it's nothing game-breaking, anyways. And it's always interesting to watch you delve deep inside the game and poke around. I wish I had half the skills you do. lol :smile:

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That read me states something about sound files..and rather harsh. mp3's to wav?

then yet, changing things in mid flight combined with other mods and authors work based on practiced modding skills or lack there of, tend to swede things in a bad way.


yellow for gold and green for cash, so if the other person is color blind, his choices would not match the rest of us, so our stuff added to his stuff will cause bugs, coding bugs where "if " not changed, there would be zero bugs to begin with.


I can't critique others works "efforts" that's wrong, but we need to stay all on the same pages if it is to all work right.

I can track down almost any bug given the basis is "based on" a common thought and goal, and mods codes are also common, if the goal is to change things to other than a matching set of scripts that all use the very same assets, we get bugs.


so far, Ihave no clue as to how and why your posted plugin txt was as it was or how it got that way, at this point, anything was possible. If the game runs, and your satified with how it runs? I am sort of at a loss for words.

The way the game works is the saved game will store incorrect code, and some of it, depending on what it is can not be removed.

when I disabled all plugins, and ran it, the game leveled up 20 times in a row, non stop, eating up all the gathered up xp you normally would have already had, this is late in the game, late to be registered code /gains in exp that dumps all at once because I unlocked it from what ever was holding it back,,,,while you are carrying it around as excess baggage, looping in ram.


the game is ok as it is but a lot of things will soon start to shut down, not wok, not complete. it's basically broken. Loot has Ill effects on fallout3, don't care why, I don't use it but have.

fomm, and anything else , each to it's own rights has their flaws. so do mods.


It's like this, even if all the mods were to be made perfect, there comes a point where just so many ways the code changes you create more headaches than the game was designed to handle..generating bad code.


you can't blame things on any one mod or author unless it's intentionality made to break the game, those types are found and removed from circulation.

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Would the 20 times leveling have something to do with FWE changing the leveling pace? I have it set to give less XP so the character levels slower, so once FWE was disabled maybe all the XP it was holding back became available again. Just a guess and prob irrelevant but just curious, anyways.


I understand what you are saying though. I'm hoping my game doesn't start breaking down before I have a chance to finish up with it.


I'm still so confused about the plugin.txt. Irritates me that it ended up wrong. I was so, so careful about my load order. Oh well.

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Would the 20 times leveling have something to do with FWE changing the leveling pace? I have it set to give less XP so the character levels slower, so once FWE was disabled maybe all the XP it was holding back became available again. Just a guess and prob irrelevant but just curious, anyways.

Most likely it was. See, if the game has scripts that fire, and they are for accomplishments, and you have disabled or curtailed them as you have, or as the mod "FWE" does, then yes, you build up a ram barrier, a Full Boat sort of speak. and then at a point in time when another type of level up , separate opens that door? all hell breaks loose, and then...we have things like this discussion going on here.


thee is yet another mod also involved here, it doubles up this effect along side FWE's quirks.

the very same mods you seen me ask about. + one specific to FWE as well. s you see, it is our choices that make up the majority of foul play while we play with things, altered states, in code that become nightmares to untangle.


That plug in text file, must have been generated BY LOOT, because LOOT is the only manager that we have seen make things based on software logic...so they claim? not game logic.....and If I venture to far on that subject, I'm likely not going to get perceptions about it in my favor.


I think the facts are this, the tools, are cross the board compatible where they really should not be, there is the problem. Loss of focus.

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I can show you a mod I built ,and the lines of the code seen with in it across the leveled lists are all Different yet fall on the exact same plane as the other lines of code do, use the very same assets ,yet, even so, in game, where you might think for sure there would be an instance of this problem show-it's self, you find the game is all normal.


Eye lashes for teeth, sitting in the spot for teeth ! or Eye balls in the spot meant for a tongue, Hair where there is supposed to be hands.

Once you seen this code and try to wrap your head around it, and then attempt to fix it, only making things worse. then and only then will you become a believer.


They say, a picture can speak a thousand fold..well it really can, and yet, a story untold is sitting there with no answers...because there aren't any.


It's supposed to work like that. A thing by all rights and reason you know not true is in fact true.


Edited by Purr4me
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