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dialoguetweaks dt936_dazip


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some days ago I´ve installed the latest dt with the daupdater. Unfortunately I didn´t read the instruction carefully :-(. Now my dialogues with Leliana don´t work. The text is english the answers are german and completely senseless. Zevran`s english text is always the same... Later when Ireturned to Nexus to check the instruction again I´ve read that the older 90 version is working for several languages. Is it possible to install the older version without uninstalling the 936 version? Can I overwrite it or will I ruin my game? Or is it ok when I just install the older version too?? Or is there a possibility to uninstall it without problems?

It´s the first time I´ve installed a DAO mod. The next time I´ll read the instruction from bottom to the top.

It would be nice to get some advice.


Sizzle 25

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For a DAZip to work properly, you will need to remove the other version first. Manual mods are different in that they are accessible in the override folder, and the individual files within can be manipulated. However, DAZip packages the files into one, so that it becomes an addin program similar to the DLC's. Installing one version of DT without deleting the other will cause a conflict. I am not sure that just enabling one and disabling another would be a viable option, so the safe bet would be to delete one version before installing the other.
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For a DAZip to work properly, you will need to remove the other version first. Manual mods are different in that they are accessible in the override folder, and the individual files within can be manipulated. However, DAZip packages the files into one, so that it becomes an addin program similar to the DLC's. Installing one version of DT without deleting the other will cause a conflict. I am not sure that just enabling one and disabling another would be a viable option, so the safe bet would be to delete one version before installing the other.


Thanks, I´ve installes dthe DA Mod-Manager and deleted the dialoguetweaks


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