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Help With Adding Spells


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When I have made a spell in the construston set, then I go in the game, but when i do player.addspell and then the code, it dosn't work, I have changed the seond digit loads of times but it dosn't work, but when I turn all my other mods off it works, any help on getting it to work with my mods on?
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Is it possible to use "text" IDs? If yes, do that. Otherwise do a quest-script with something like this:


SCN ImmaQuest


float fQuestDelayTime ; The one, you know.


Begin Gamemode

set fQuestDelayTime to 10000

if (doonce != 1)

set doonce to 1

player.addspell 12345678


messagebox "10'000 seconds passed since spell added."



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