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Vindictus Early beta key Giveaway.


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For those of you who don't know about vindictus, its a new MMO that uses the source engine (think half-life 2.)

Heres a link to the site: http://vindictus.nexon.net/ . Check out some youtube video's as well if you get interested.



I just got early beta access, and was awarded 2 beta keys to give away. one is already going to a good friend of mine, so I've got a spare and don't want to waste it.


If anyone here wants it, PM me.

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Well I hopped into it last night. And I must say I'm impressed. First off the combat system is much better then the regular point->click->watch your character fight and sometimes push a button for a skill.


You actually have to click your mouse for combos (left click regular attack and right click heavy attack). The environment around you is almost entirely destructable, and when something breaks you can pick that up and use that as a weapon for a few attacks.


Using the source engine, the way hits are registered are much better then you'd see in an mmo. if your weapon literally does not come in contact with the enemy, you do not hit them. (this also applies for throwing spears and arrows)


The presentation of the game appears to be well polished, the animations are great, and the game is easy enough to get into and learn how to fight effectively.


Character creation is pretty nice, though at the moment you can tell its incomplete at the moment. What you do is pick your 'character' - the game classes are gender locked it seems. For example, there's a male fighter who dual wields, and a female fighter who uses sword and shield. both have specific names, but you can change the name when you hit character creation. You can also change their appearance entirely, and there's enough options for now, but you can tell there will be many more in the future. There will be more characters in the future for you to play, the character select screen says the mage girl class will be released soon.


One thing I'd keep in mind though is that this game is definitely meant to be played with a group of people. The world is not a vast open world like your regular MMO. Its a dungeon runner type of game. You go to the docks of the city you're in, start a party boat (literally), invite your friends, and then off you go to the dungeon you selected.


Also keep in mind that the games in beta phase, so there might be small glitches/bugs and some incomplete features at the moment.


I have given the key away, but I can provide you a link on how to get your own (plus 2 to give away to friends.) All you have to do is register at the site link that I am gonna provide. (Update. read my post below)



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Little bit of an update: my friend who I was giving 1 of my keys away to is having computer issues and decided to pass on the key, so I now have 1 key to give away.


if anyone is interested, please contact me via PM. First come, first serve.

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