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Hound in Witch Hunt has no skills


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I loaded my character directly from Origins into Witch Hunt and found my long-lost Mabari. However, when I go to level him up, there are no skill or talents to be had! I can't think for the life of me why this would be. I completely purged the Extra Dog Slot and Extended Dog Talents mods and still nothing. I'm gonna run Witch Hunt AFTER Awakenings anyway, but the concern is still there. I also noticed that the Mabari Crunch, the collars and warpaint are not recognizing the dog as a Mabari War Hound. He acts and attacks just fine, but I can't level him. There's nothing in my override that I can think of that would prevent the dog from working right; anyone else run into this; if so, how is it to be fixed? I have the 1.4 patch and the 1.1 version of Witch Hunt. Any thoughts? :wallbash:
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Not sure what may be going on, since my Hound was "well-skilled". I didn't even disable/remove Extra Dog Slot (or Full Combatant Dog, for that matter.)


As always in this sort of situation, if it were me I'd un-check EVERYTHING but the official DLC, and "move" my override folder (faster than copying when I want to get rid of everything!) Then see if the problem still exists.


If so, then I know it's NOT a mod, and can troubleshoot in other directions. If not, then I know it's a mod and can start putting them back in in "blocks", testing after each batch to narrow it down to the problem child.

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Not sure what may be going on, since my Hound was "well-skilled". I didn't even disable/remove Extra Dog Slot (or Full Combatant Dog, for that matter.)


As always in this sort of situation, if it were me I'd un-check EVERYTHING but the official DLC, and "move" my override folder (faster than copying when I want to get rid of everything!) Then see if the problem still exists.


If so, then I know it's NOT a mod, and can troubleshoot in other directions. If not, then I know it's a mod and can start putting them back in in "blocks", testing after each batch to narrow it down to the problem child.


Yay another chore to squeeze in today. That's what I usually do; block by painful karking block. What I want is to narrow down the files that are affecting my character's texture so I can keep a copy of that handy and safe. I have the Chargen suite installed (Pineapples, More Hair, Bidelles, etc) morphed together using the chargen morph compiler, and I can't nail down exactly which file is precisely affecting my PC. Sigh. Anyway, I didn't know about the Full Combat Dog mod I'm gonna install that puppy (pun intended) and see if I can't get me a proper warhound. Maybe I can get my RL dog to train him up; he caught a mouse the other day-darkspawn are a bit tougher but vermin is vermin :D

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For me the culprit for "followers have no skills" in Witch Hunt was the "No Follower Autolevel" mod. If its dog specific, be sure to disable stuff like extra dog slot. It won't be anything chargen-related though.
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this problem has a 95% chance of being within the "class data" gda, this controls the npc/creature type's core class, ability, rate of skill/talent gain per level, etc

if you have anything that affects dogs skills, talents, capabilities or dog food, it's gonna end up leaving the poor pup classless


look for cla_ prefix for any GDA that has to do with dogs, could be numerous other mods or dog "extenders" that do this as well, could be your own if you've created one for yourself

cant confirm it 100%, but i just know thats what it is - for what its worth


i also seriously suggest checking for any other files within your override or installed mod's ERF archives to temporarily remove while you try that DLC out


ANYTHING that looks like...


aI or "aldog" gda - defines core/embedded character talents and a few other misc. stats

wardogtacticpreset.gda or similar - or else the poor hound will also be stripped of tactics

aip_follower_dog - yeah - definitely


i honestly cant think of anything else but again am near certain its an "obsolete" class file as the core issue

and damn - they included the hound in witch hunt eh? woulda been nice in awakening, but anyway


good luck and take care of your hound!

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