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Three bugs with a WIP mod


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There a three major bugs with a mod I'm developing. The first is a series disjointed bars in the sky, as seen here:


The second is that, upon loading immediately after death, all collision will be lost. Enabling and disabling TCL does not help.

Finally, when the player approaches a body of water, there is an area immediately surrounding said player where the water doesn not ripple but instead becomes clear and starts flashing, as if there were two objects of the same size and dimensions attempting to occupy the dame space.

Please, help. I've been unable to find a cause for any of these.

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1. Those bars i believe are from the dynamic lighting and i dont think it can be fixed. I get bars in the sky like that on sunrise and sunset normally. There might be a mod that fixes it...i thought i saw one but idr..


2. I have no idea.


3. Is graphical problem as well. I used to have it but i fixed it by renaming a dll file in my fo3 folder. Idk if it will work for you it only works for ati cards afaik. There's actually couple different fixes out for that..look up water flicker for fallout 3. Some say tweaking certain graphic settings can fix it but it never worked for me. It has something to do with depth fog or water reflection and dynamic lighting and AA or something idr. Some combination of them makes it happen.

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neg it doesnt like SLI or CF. What worked for me was renaming atimgpud.dll in my main fo3 directory to anything other then its name or file type for example mines atimgpud.dllblppphh it worked for me...but you have sli so idk..
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