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Load Order - Can't play with merged patch.


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A crash when going through a door frequently means that it's crashing when attempting to autosave. Turn off "Autosave on travel" and see if it still does the same crashes. If it doesn't, run FO3Edit's masterupdate function. It fixed many such crashes for me. In fact, you should run masterupdate regardless, but I don't know whether or not it's important to have your load order issues sorted out before running it.


As for the red triangles in Superduper Mart, are you playing the same game that you were playing with FOOK after deactivating it? Attempting to continue a game which had been using an overhaul mod after deactivating said mod is likely to cause all sorts of problems.

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But since the game crashes a lot between the travel-autosave I left it on so I don't have to manually/quick-save each 2 minutes...


got rid of the red exclamation marks - used EVE-version was to new :)

put Streetlights before Broken Steel and also deleted the streetlights-wasteland as I read it is obsolete with just the actual Streetlights main version.


Had to google what the heck the masterupdate is - haven't used that before. Having all that done the game still crashes a lot! (each 5 minutes min.)


One thing that bugs me: for whatever reason purified water isnt killing my thirst anymore (FWE primary needs)

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Slow it down an make a plan. For me the plan is pretty much install the mods one at a time, then fix them with FO3 edit, and then test them with super fun gameplay because the work part is such a drag. I mean you can totally fix the load order you have now with FO3 edit, but you would have to do all that work at one time which could take over a week 8 hours a day man. Cheah.. Around the end of the fixing your brain would be so fried from being totaly burned out on having to work on something for that long. Plus at the end of the week the whole thing can blow up in your face. When you install one mod at a time or even just a few, anytime you run into a problem while in the super fun testing part, you know it's directly related to the last mods installed. Which makes it easy. Then it's just learning stuff here or on the GECK Main page, an pretty soon you know what every part of the .Esm an .Esp do an can make any mod you can think up.
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1. It's not related to the merged patch that your game is crashing every 5 minutes. Creating a merged patch won't fix your game.

2. You use tons of mods that don't play well together, besides, most of them are completely useless and integrated in some of the big mods you use.

3. Calling a game playable with crashes every 5 minutes is Sadomasochistic, because you let your computer and yourself life in agony.


Here are the mods that won't work together well. Maybe you get them working like supposed to, when using the interpolarity patches and other mod related patches, but I strongly doubt that your game will ever be stable in with the actual configuration of mods.


1.CRAFT, CALIBR, EVE, DCInteriors, 2.FOOK, 2.FWE, MMM, 1.WMK


CRAFT and WMK won't work without the right patches and even then it crashes from time to time. FOOK and FWE are absolutely non compatible, no matter how hard you try. MMM, EVE and CALIBR won't also play well without the right patches and DCInteriors is basically an early Alpha, which will cause the most trouble, since it's touching so many cells. I'll go through your list of mods and write behind what to do. Click the spoiler button.



[X] Fallout3.esm

[X] Anchorage.esm

[X] ThePitt.esm

[X] BrokenSteel.esm

[X] PointLookout.esm

[X] Zeta.esm

[X] CRAFT.esm

[X] CRAFT - Workbench and Crafting Expansion combined.esp [Won't play good with WMK, WMK is better, get rid of CRAFT]

[X] CALIBR.esm

[X] EVE.esm [Is integrated into either FOOK or FWE, get rid of it entirely if you use FOOK or FWE]

[X] Project Beauty.esm [Who needs that? Beauty people in a post apocalyptic world?]

[X] Vault172R.esp [This is an .esp file, not the correct place to put it]

[X] NecronomiconExMortis 5.6.esm

[X] DCInteriors_ComboEdition.esm

[X] DCInteriors_Georgtown.esm

[X] DCInteriors_LEnfntPl.esm

[X] DCInteriors_Mason.esm [Get rid of the whole mod and wait until it mets it's final release]

[X] DCInteriors_SewardSq.esm

[X] DCInteriors_Takoma.esm

[X] DCInteriors_Wasteland_Edition.esm

[X] StreetLights.esm [Lights without power? Who exactly creates the power?]

[X] FOOK2 - Main.esm

[X] FOOK2 - [*censored*] World And Neighbourhood Kit.esm

[X] FOOK2 - [DIK] DLC Improvement Kit.esm [You got to make a decision here, either FOOK or FWE. I would recommend FWE, but if you use FWE you basically don't need any other mods]

[X] FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esm

[X] FO3 Wanderers Edition - Alternate Travel.esp

[X] CRAFT - WCE FOOK+FWE Patch.esp

[X] Mart's Mutant Mod.esm [Another mod that will cause more crashes with your configuration]

[X] Enhanced Weather - Rain and Snow.esm

[X] DarNifiedUIF3.esp [DarnifiedUI is supposed to be at the very end of the load order, speziell wenn du die deutsche Version benutzt^^]

[X] DarNifiedUIF3DE.esp [You carefully got to read the Readme coming with DarnUI, since it's knowen to cause tons of crashes, if you don't install it right]

[X] Project Beauty- Broken Steel.esp

[X] Project Beauty- Point Lookout.esp

[X] DCInteriors_DLC_Collectables.esp

[X] GalaxyNewsRadio100[M].esp [Knowen to cause a lot of crashes, simply because Fallout is very resource demanding. If you let a MP3 player run with it, then it's good bye stable game...;)]

[X] MegatonContracts.esp

[X] rockville.esp

[X] Treasure Maps_A Fist Full of Caps.esp

[X] Treasure Maps_Secrets of the Wasteland.esp

[X] Treasure Maps_Underground.esp

[X] NotSoFast.esp

[X] IntoTheDeepWoods.esp

[X] UPP - Pack 1.esp

[X] UPP - Pack 2.esp

[X] UPP - Quest Perks.esp [Use FO3 Plugin to merge the whole UPP Pack into one file]

[X] UPP - Experience Perks.esp

[X] UPP - Beverage Perks.esp

[X] FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esp

[X] FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Anchorage.esp

[X] FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC The Pitt.esp

[X] FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Broken Steel.esp

[X] FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Point Lookout.esp [Remember what I said about FWE? Get...rid...of...it...and...or...FOOK]

[X] FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Mothership Zeta.esp

[ ] FO3 Wanderers Edition - Optional Restore Tracers (automatics only).esp

[ ] FO3 Wanderers Edition - Optional Restore Tracers.esp

[X] FO3 Wanderers Edition - Project Beauty.esp

[X] BlackWolf Backpack.esp

[X] BlackWolf Backpack - Blank's Container Patch.esp

[X] BlackWolf Backpack - Vendor Script Replenish.esp

[X] BlackWolf Backpack - Vanilla Big Guns Fix.esp [You don't need the whole mod, because Primary needs is included into FWE and the Backpacks are included into Primary Needs...get rid of it]

[X] BlackWolf Backpack - Anchorage Gauss Rifle Fix.esp

[X] BlackWolf Backpack - Zeta Drone Cannon Fix.esp

[X] Mannequin.esp [Included in either FOOK or FWE...learn to read Readmes!!!]

[X] telescope_quest_fdt.esp

[X] Auto Aim Fix v1.1.esp [Doesn't work...get RH_Ironsights instead]

[X] CALIBR Ammo Schematics - CRAFT.esp

[X] Stealthboy Recon Armor - CRAFT.esp

[ ] CRAFT - Activation Perk.esp

[ ] CALIBRxMerchant.esp [Make a decision here...either CRAFT or WMK if you're using CALIBR. If you use all three, then your game crashes. I recommend using WMK with CALIBR and patches made for it]

[X] Item Descriptions Img.esp

[X] FOOK2 - Main.esp

[X] FOOK2 Main [Hotfix].esp

[X] FOOK2 - Mothership Zeta.esp

[X] FOOK2 - [DIK] DLC Improvement Kit.esp

[X] FOOK2 DIK [Hotfix].esp

[X] MyFOOK2 - Black & White Tranquility Lane.esp

[ ] MyFOOK2 - No Rape Victims.esp

[ ] FOOK2 - [EVE] Energy Visuals Enhanced.esp

[ ] CRAFT - WCE Warmonger Addon.esp

[X] WeaponModKits.esp

[X] WMKAA12Shotgun.esp

[X] WeaponModKits - FWE Master Release.esp

[X] WeaponModKits - OperationAnchorage.esp

[X] WeaponModKits - ThePitt.esp [You can use FO3Plugin to merge the DLC plugins of WMK and your not supposed to use WMK with FWE or CRAFT]

[X] WeaponModKits - BrokenSteel.esp

[X] WeaponModKits - PointLookout.esp

[X] WeaponModKits - Zeta.esp

[X] WeaponModKits - FOOK.esp

[X] EVE.esp

[X] EVE Operation Anchorage.esp

[X] EVE - FWE Master Release.esp [You don't need EVE...it's integrated...read Readmes]

[X] EVE Anchorage - FWE DLC Anchorage.esp

[X] EVE - FWE with WeaponModKits.esp

[X] Vault172R+CALIBR.esp

[X] Vault172R+FWE.esp

[X] Mart's Mutant Mod.esp

[X] Mart's Mutant Mod - Master Menu Module.esp

[X] Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Anchorage.esp

[X] Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Broken Steel.esp

[X] Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Point Lookout.esp

[X] Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC The Pitt.esp

[X] Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Zeta.esp

[ ] Mart's Mutant Mod - Natural Selection.esp

[ ] Mart's Mutant Mod - Tougher Traders.esp

[ ] Mart's Mutant Mod - Zones Respawn.esp

[X] Mart's Mutant Mod - FWE Master Release.esp

[X] Mart's Mutant Mod - Project Beauty + FWE.esp

[X] Mart's Mutant Mod - FOOK2.esp

[X] Mart's Mutant Mod - FOOK2 - DIK.esp

[X] Fellout-Full.esp

[X] Fellout-pipboylight.esp

[X] Fellout-Anchorage.esp

[X] Fellout-PointLookout.esp

[X] Fellout-BrokenSteel.esp

[X] Fellout-Zeta.esp

[X] StreetLights - Wasteland.esp

[X] Enhanced Weather - Rain and Snow in Fallout.esp

[X] Enhanced Weather - REBOOT.esp

[X] Enhanced Weather - Sneak Bonus during Storms.esp

[X] Enhanced Weather - Weather Sounds in Interiors.esp

[ ] AAAmerge.esp



I advice you to entirely reinstall Fallout 3 and it's DLCs and not use the uncut patch you're eventually using, since you're German, right? After reinstallation, get BOSS for Fallout and the Wrye Bash port. I also advice you to only play with WMK and MMM, since the other big mods may be cool, but they're really not necessary, for a beginner^^


Use Boss to make a decent load order, then manually put the other mods, not been handled by BOSS, into the load order. After that, use the WRYE BASH port to make a bashed patch. Look at this list of mods, for a good and specially stable game and notice that the last three mods got rearranged.










Mart's Mutant Mod.esm

Companion Core.esm

Companion Share & Recruit.esm

RobCo Certified v2.esm

Wasteland Whisperer v2.esm


More Hotkeys.esp


Sprint Mod.esp










WMK-RH IronSights.esp

Companion Core DLC Addon.esp

Wasteland Whisperer v2 Broken Steel Addon.esp

RobCo Certified v2 Mechanist's Edition.esp

RobCo Certified v2 Zeta Addon.esp

Mr Smith's Scrapyard.esp


Persistent Skill Books.esp

Containers Respawn.esp

Item Descriptions Img.esp

Mart's Mutant Mod.esp

Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Anchorage.esp

Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC The Pitt.esp

Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Broken Steel.esp

Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Point Lookout.esp

Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Zeta.esp

Mart's Mutant Mod - Natural Selection.esp

Mart's Mutant Mod - Tougher Traders.esp

Mart's Mutant Mod - Zones Respawn.esp

Mart's Mutant Mod - Master Menu Module.esp














WRWC - Right Handed.esp


Thermal Vision.esm





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Dfgjdfkogkldfb is right to a degree, and we agree with him in many areas, but no one person is going to know everything or get it right so there is a grey area. However it doesn't sound to me like Dfgjdkogkldfb has spent enough time yet looking at the raw data which might explain the difference of opinons. I reckon we come from different schools. One school is BOSS, FOIP, wyre bash and pick one mod. The other school does it the hard way with tons of hours working until they are insane to just make the data do whatever they can think up or want. They are both good schools. Each is hard to figure out. It all boils down to work. You spend 20 or 40 hours on a list of 150 mods then bam it works for 8 hours without problems. Then there's tons of folks that just use simple stuff to get a 8 hour near vanilla game which is great if you ask me.


DC Interiors is made by Chuck, it comes in a merged version or seperate modular version. Only 2 or 3 mods even do that. Also you just are not going to find a better modder than Chuck when it comes to Building. One of the top 5 cleanest made mods I've ever seen, by one of the top 3 builders of all time. Which you would know if you looked at the raw data.


DCInteriors is basically an early Alpha. This is incorrect. Actually it's DC Interiors Project. Which started out building 5 seperate areas, updated updated updated, until it was close enough to "final" that Chuck merged them into one mod.


You can touch as many cells as you want to in a mod so long as you don't touch vanilla content. When content is added to the game it's not related to anything else. The only areas where any content is going to overlap in DCInteriors is the doors to the empty buildings downtown which were boarded up. None of your other mods are going to touch these doors. When two buildings or landscape mods overlap the problems you have are floating trees 99% of the time. Two mods changing the same thing so the item floats. Then if you have two overlaping navmeshes the NPC's will walk thru the air or thru walls. The only crash directly linked to buildings & landscape is when a vanilla item is deleted an a mod loading after it edits that mod. However DC interiors has been cleaned before it was uploaded, so that anything that was deleted was set to disabled thus bypassing the crash. The only other possible problem would be LOD (level of detail) to which I would bet money Chuck is the leading authority.


[X] CRAFT - Workbench and Crafting Expansion combined.esp [Won't play good with WMK, WMK is better, get rid of CRAFT] FWE requires CRAFT


[X] EVE.esm [is integrated into either FOOK or FWE, get rid of it entirely if you use FOOK or FWE] This is only true to a point. EVE is still being updated an there's a new version about to come out if it hasn't already. I found in testing that looking at the raw data of the versions of EVE which are built into FOOK or FWE were totally messy. EVE by itself is messy, but not as messy as FOOK2 or FWE which conflict with themselfs to which FOIP exacerbates the situation (makes worse) If you ask me the stand alone version of EVE would be more important than any of your other mods. I haven't seen anything even near what I saw while using the stand alone version of EVE, certianly not in FWE or FOOK2 to the degree that I noticed no trace of EVE in them. Plus it won't hurt anything if you load EVE after the others then load weather after that.



[X] Project Beauty.esm [Who needs that? Beauty people in a post apocalyptic world?] It's not like that, it's not even close to what you think. PB HD isn't even that HD it's on a par with the 1st person textures for weapons as far as the perfromance demands. What Project Beauty has in spades is the most killer FaceGen data of all time. So much so that the creator won't even allow that content to be used in other mods. Which is a great idea because a whole lot of work went into it. Any other mod which conflicts with Project Beauty is the most easy conflict to fix ever. All you end up doing is drag an drop face gen hex data from one slot to the next an now it's 100% conflict free. Seariously a monkey could do it. More importantly for those people who have played the game for a long time, PB changes the way every NPC in the game looks, so it's almost as if you just stepped into a different version of fallout 3. The absolute best FaceGen data you will ever find. That's 95% of the mod.


[X] DCInteriors_ComboEdition.esm This mod is the five areas below (Georgtown, LE Plaza, Mason, Seward SQ, and Takoma) Only all 5 are packed into one mod. You either use this mod or the 5 below not both of them at the same time. I don't even see a reason to use the 5 seperate versions. But if you wanted to for example you could move Georgtown above Broken Steel if you needed to (all you would need to do is .esm it) Then move Mason after FOOK2 for pure example I have not idea, because the merged version was so clean I never had a problem.


[X] DCInteriors_Georgtown.esm These mods are the seperate versions. Still available as a means to provide modular mods for the project. So you can move them around if needed.

[X] DCInteriors_LEnfntPl.esm

[X] DCInteriors_Mason.esm [Get rid of the whole mod and wait until it mets it's final release]

[X] DCInteriors_SewardSq.esm

[X] DCInteriors_Takoma.esm



[X] DCInteriors_Wasteland_Edition.esm This would be the new part, everything else above is the final version So maybe what Dfgjdfkogkldfb is talking about this mod being way too new


[X] StreetLights.esm [Lights without power? Who exactly creates the power?] This is actually one of the best mods "OF ALL TIME" The power comes from the endless amounts of Metro power stations spread out across the wasteland. Which if you go in there the machines are still running. This is just an argument over the grid still being turnned on. It's not, but some parts of the grid is turnned on. Streetlights is like Firelight fix only like 10,000 times better because it's producing a natural city feeling in the small parts of the wasteland to which it lights up at night. You wana feel something in the game for a change, go out at night with this mod. You'll be cursing that those streetlights are 600 feet away an not covering the entire wasteland. There's tons of folks using nightvision an glock 19's which shouldn't even be developed in this timeline. Such using streetlights is just as cool if not more than nightvision.


[X] FOOK2 - [DIK] DLC Improvement Kit.esm [You got to make a decision here, either FOOK or FWE. I would recommend FWE, but if you use FWE you basically don't need any other mods] Well yah but there's also a third choice. The two mods which are the most messy in this load order are FOOK2 an FWE. They both conflict with themself even when it's installed by itself. You want to mention that it's risky to use a mod that "touches so many cells" Well FOOK and FWE touch on 90% of the game. Thought you would have figured that out by now. So to speak many players don't even use these global class scale overhawls. From the simple fact that it's just not worth the time it takes to fix these while we are in post 1.5 patch with the amount of mods or .BSA not being an issue anymore


[X] Mart's Mutant Mod.esm [Another mod that will cause more crashes with your configuration] The new version has it's biggest problem disabled by default (MMM hunting an looting) Then all you have to do to get the new verson to actually work. Is open FOMM package manager, Add FOMOD, pick the MMM .rar or .zip, it takes forever for it to assemble it into an actual FOMOD so go get coffee, come back an activate the FOMOD it created/assembled which installs it hit yes to all an go get another coffee. Then move the .esm and if you want to override MMM move stuff below it. I was playing on 6-8 spawn an high chance encounters which the current version of menu control is somewhat just as hard if not more dangerous. Sure there are issues with it, but I fixed it in less than 30 minutes with FO3 edit. Bam Done son, all I did was fix the conflicts add a zero to the 5 or 6 max allowed dead characters so it's 60 300 300 350 (no disapearing loot) then fix conflicts which were all easy, hence the 30 minute fix. That's what is so great about it you can edit it all you like.


[X] GalaxyNewsRadio100[M].esp [Knowen to cause a lot of crashes, simply because Fallout is very resource demanding. If you let a MP3 player run with it, then it's good bye stable game...]

Update you WMP (windows media player) from microsoft an all your codecs are installed 2nd party into the kernel (core) system. Thus avoiding 3rd party software & messy opperating systems. Then all that GNR 100 needs is to have the 4 broken steel quests added to the GNR radio script, 2 dialogs fixed, And if your computer is having a hard time with MP3 convert the files to .Wav an it's fixed. I've never had a problem with the mod or it causing performance issues even while using a 6-8 MMM spawn rate for 3 months of testing performance issue by overtaxing the system an optimizing. You do have to unpack an rename 4 files for it to work though which is in the read me which also talks about Audio editing like it's a tutorial, not that you would even need it.


Precision_Auto_Aim- AKA Precision_AutoAim_6000.esp does work even without editing it most of the other auto aims disable it which doesn't work in 3rd person on some meshes, all it needs is a max angle of 15 degrees to 24 degrees which if you are a weapon maker you notice that's just about what the 3rd person view needs for 99% of the weapons that are held correctly but off center on the aim. Sure ironsights woo hoo, but you have to have adjusted weapon meshes for that to work which might not line up to the player characters hands. If you ask me I'd rather be able to use any mesh I want without having to spend extra work. Then it's just a matter of the distance range you want autoaim active 200ft or 400ft, which you could go further bu you just won't need, and it avoids the bullet rise over long distance from it's path being calculated twice every 192 feet.


That's about all I can say because like I said Dfgjdfkogkldfb is pretty much telling you the truth. I probalby wouldn't tell people to merge mods unless they know what they were doing because often it causes issues even when the merge seemed to be 100% clean. You really only have to worry about merging mods when you end up with 150 or 200 250 whatever. It's just good productivity to merge as you go, but not really because you can cause problems when you didn't need to merge yet. Plus you further hide mods with other mods an make it harder to get a diagnosis on a problem when there is one, besides balancing or editing is much more easy when it's in just one obivous mod.

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